💕The Night We Met. (Midoryia)

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[Song: The Night We Met, but it's raining- RainyMood on Spotify]

When I first saw him through the dust and debris I could recall hearing nothing, but the loud thumping of my heart beating against my ribs in which confine it. His eyes fixated onto mine in an intense stare that could only be described as mesmerized and I remember thinking I want him to stare at me like that for the rest of my life. I didn't know his name nor the past or troubles that would tag along with it... Only those deep set green eyes in which would only be found in the prettiest of rainforest.

I didn't believe in love at first sight. It was supposed to be rubbish, so why-? Why was I feeling this way about a complete stranger? It felt like my soul was pulling me forwards to the hero who had just saved my life as if it were merely another Tuesday afternoon. As if he wouldn't remember this moment in the next couple of minutes. For him it might not have been anything special, but for me it would become something that I would never forget about.

He was beautiful like an angel sent from above. An angel sent to protect just me from the crumbling building that would had surely been my death bed without him. His voice finally echoing off my ears and floating into my head as he spoke. He was telling me how everything was going to be okay and not to panic, but I wasn't panicking. I felt safe and protected by that kind and enduring look in his eyes. Eyes that lured me in and took my heart and soul with one single glance.

He is perfect...


I remember beating the villain and rushing into the collapsing building. The dust and debris littering my surroundings as I searched for someone unfound. For someone needing assistance. I felt there was a purpose left unfulfilled like something was calling me in. Even if there was no body, I still needed to make sure. Double check. Maybe triple check.

My eyes found theirs in the briefest of moments as I traced the stairways, but in that brief moment the core of my soul ran cold. My feet stopped moving forwards and I moved back. They're clothes were torn at the seems and they were covered in dust and muck, yet... they made my heart flutter.

Without thinking or processing these weird feelings engulfing my core I could feel my legs moving and the dusty air hit against my skin. I was moving towards them. My hands quickly finding their body as I hoisted them up to my body. I could tell they had been injured by the scrapes on their knees and the swelling of their ankle. They needed medical attention right away and I recall feeling this guilt building inside the pit of my stomach. As if I had caused this pain to be inflicted upon them. As if somehow if I had convinced them to stay home it would reverse the tragic events that would have taken place that day. I just had this overwhelming urge to protect them and keep them safe above everything else, but as a hero you're not supposed to have such a mind set. You have to save everyone, yet here I was holding bias over a complete stranger..

To this day I couldn't explain to you what that feeling really was other than it being abnormal. I don't think I would ever be able to forget how calm they were during the whole situation. They just leaned back against me in the most normal way possible, like this was how it always was and how it was meant to be. Me carrying them out of some horrible event and then going home like it was just another day. Maybe they had been through something similar before, but for me it was a first.

Ill never forget it.

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