Episode 8 - Change

Start from the beginning

What? John?

"You 'respected' high-rankers, are the reason why everyone jumps at the opportunity to torture one another! Because all you do is boast about your strength and belittle the people below you. You deserve to lose every bit of credibility you have!"

I shook my head. What does John have to do with this?

"I'm not sure if I follow what you're saying." I responded. "But I won't tolerate this! Hurting and continuing to hurt a student to this extent is unnecessary! Can't you at least see that?"

"Hah! Look at this girl!" Jules laughed. "She really is oblivious like John said! If you haven't been keeping up with the news, Remi, then you're missing out on a lot! Earlier this week, John's made an announcement in the newspaper. The Royals besides him don't have a say in the rules anymore! That means the Queen and Jack don't have any control over us!"

What?! John, why?!

"Hmph. She's that shocked by that? Well, whatever. Let's get outta here already." Milan shrugged and walked past me into the halls. All while I stood still.

I clenched my shaking fists, feeling my eyes water. I really don't understand you, John. Every time I think I've got you figured out, you pull up something else that contradicts your words! "High tiers are all useless and do nothing worthwhile." That's what you say. But then you prevent a rule that forbids other students from hurting each other! Just choose a side already!

"Augh!" A voice coughed out.

I turned my head swiftly to see Evelyn covering her mouth. She was coughing up blood.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. I totally forgot she was there. I put an arm around her shoulder. "Here, let me help you get to the infirmary."

"Thank you so much." Evelyn smiled gently and gave me her thanks. But soon, her smile turned into a light frown. "I'm so sorry that I'm weak. Maybe if I wasn't such a weakling, then they wouldn't have targeted me. Ah, I'm just wasting your time, aren't I? Don't bother helping me."

"What? No way! You're far too injured to even walk! Please, let me help. Besides, I don't want you getting any more fights and getting more injured than you already are." I explained to her.

She paused for a bit, looking guilty. "Okay..."

Even as I was holding her close to me to get her to the infirmary, I could hear her continuing to mutter more apologies. How cruel. Is this how all low tiers feel about themselves? They think that they're worthless? No one should feel that way about themselves! Even though I'm Queen, even though I've seen this situation so many times, what did I do about it?

Things need to change.

"Oh, it's you again?" Doc asked blandly, sighing under his breath.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Doc..." Evelyn was sitting on an infirmary bed, looking ashamed.

"C'mon, Doc. Don't be so hard on her. What did you expect her to do?" I questioned. She was going through a lot already. I didn't need her to think that it was all her fault.

He put a finger to his forehead, frowning. "I know that. But damn. I'm getting so many visits to the infirmary lately. You're lucky that you only ran into Fireboy and Watergirl today. They may look like they boast a lot about their power, but they're only a bit high on the mid-tier side. And it's not like our previous cripple wannabe is helping with his recent newspaper announcement."

I turned my head to the side. I felt bad. Knowing that low tiers had to go through this everything.

Evelyn noticed my clenching fist, then put a hand on it gently.

"It's okay." She smiled. "I think you're doing the best you can. You helped someone like me, after all. You might not think that you did much, but it means the world to me."

I smiled.

One day...it'll all be over.

???'s POV

1 Day Ago...

Urgh...my head...

Where the hell am I...?

I was laying on the ground. It's so cold...

I was struggling to stand up, but managed. It felt like my body had been struck through a thousand needles. Each poking through everywhere.

Huh? What's that?

The further my eyesight grew less blurry, the better I could make out my surroundings. Everything was white. When I could finally see clearly again, I could make out a familiar black figure in the distance. It was coming closer with each step.

"G-Get away!" I tried to move my legs, but they wouldn't budge. I couldn't activate my ability either. What was happening to me?

The black figure finally made its way to me. Its height was shorter compared to mine, but looked just like me. Except, younger. It also had this haughty and confident aura surrounding it. It was me. It smirked, then raised a fist up. I shivered. No. Please don't. Please.



John's POV


I put a hand to my head. It was shaking. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm hallucinating. I must be. With all the shit that has happened these past few months, I've gone crazy. I sighed, then stood up in my bed, making my way to the bathroom to wash my face. I splashed my face with water. Just like before. Calm down. You're making a big deal out of nothing.

"It's okay." I said to myself. "You're okay."

I put my head back up from the sink. The left side of the mirror was cracked, my eye was pushed down, squinted and bruised while my other eye was perfectly fine. I sighed, shutting them, then opening them again. Just like I thought. There's nothing actually there.

This needs to change.

Le Bonus

Name: Milan

Ability: Flame Fist

Level: 3.4

Name: Jules 

Ability: Water Manipulation

Level: 3.4

NOTE: Next episode will be on Wednesday, December 16th! Remember to vote/comment when you're finished reading!!

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