Chapter 1

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After the embarrassing moment in the middle of the street, I was not in the mood to go training that evening. I went home and got some work done. I didn't eat, I kept my mind occupied for fear of letting it wander freely, thinking about him. His eyes kept popping in my thoughts. I finished the work assigned by the professor and that night I had the strangest dreams. I dreamt of revolutions and Trotsky making out with Frida. He should never have mentioned that to me.

I woke up earlier than usual, without feeling tired. I got ready and headed to the café. Today I didn't feel the need to remind myself that it was going to be a good day. I realized it, when I closed the door of my apartment. It felt weird.

I was walking down the street, the sun already shining and people hastily walking, trying to get to their jobs. I was fortunate enough to do things on my own pace. I hated deadlines, tight schedules and wearing a watch. I am a very punctual person, don't get me wrong, but I never want to feel rushed.

I made my way to "my table" and to my dismay someone was already occupying it. I cursed under my breath and I started looking for an alternative. The place was oddly packed for this early. I hated that I didn't have a choice but order a coffee to go and head to the park. I sometimes did that as well, but it's been a long time. Before I could turn around I heard a voice calling me.

"Miss, please don't go. I was just saving a seat for you." He said and I turned my gaze to him. How didn't I recognize him? He sat there in his suit, wearing sunglasses and sipping from one of two cups.

"No, it's okay. Enjoy your coffee. I'll go." I said and started walking. Before I had the chance to take two steps, he was standing next to me.

"I insist. I've already ordered for you. Your coffee is waiting. Black, no sugar, right?" he asked smiling.

"How did you know?" it was starting to get really weird.

"I asked the girls inside. Don't worry. I'm not some creep, stalking you." He gestured for me to follow him to the table. Against my better judgment I sat to the table opposite him. The need for caffeine overcame the fear of sitting with an unknown man.

"So, about yesterday." He started talking and I almost choked on my coffee.

"Hey, are you alright? Can I get you some water?" he was already on his feet, looking at me concerned.

"Why is it that every time I meet you, I have to humiliate myself in public?" I said when the shock wore off.

"Whatever you mean by that?"he asked while returning to his seat.

"Yesterday, I made a fool of myself in the middle of the street and today again everyone is watching me.........." He cut me off.

"Can I ask why you are so concerned about what others think about you? Look at me, let them speak, let them laugh, let them think whatever they want. The only thing that is important is what you believe about yourself." He said and kept his eyes on me, while I was slowly raising my eyes to him.

"Wow. You sound like a psychologist. You think you read me well. So tell me doctor can I be saved?" I asked ironically and stood up. He quickly grabbed my arm.

"Do not touch me." I said in a harsh tone and maybe a little louder than I meant to. I saw heads turning and I faked a smile.

"I'm sorry. Can you please sit down, so we can start over? Please." He smiled and held the chair for me. I sighed and took a seat. The last thing I needed was to cause a scene. I hated if I had to give up on my café.

"Look, maybe I overstepped. Can we forget everything that happened since yesterday and start fresh? You may even want to share your name with me today."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked obviously irritated.

"Doing what?" he asked, lighting a cigarette and offering me one as well. I nodded no and he just stared at me.

"It's not cool staring at people, you know."

"I'm not staring. I'm just admiring the sight in front of me." I started laughing, like really laughing. There was something wrong with this guy.

"You are even more beautiful when you laugh. Your eyes turn into a different color, more like ocean blue." I couldn't stop laughing. I swear tears were starting to flow.

"Oh, that was so Billie Eilish of you." I had to hold my stomach, which was starting to hurt from laughter.

"What?" he asked puzzled.

"Ocean eyes? The song? Tell me....... I can't even remember your name, do you make a habit of saying these shit to random chicks? Does it work?"

His expression changed instantly and I could discern hurt, anger, offence? I immediately stopped laughing and wiped my teary eyes. I put on my sunglasses and started rolling a cigarette. We remained silent for a moment and then he finally spoke.

"Actually, this is the first time I'm being forward with a woman I'm interested in. Usually it's the other way round. Women exclaim their admiration for me first"

"You are so humble. I'm truly sorry for jumping to conclusions so soon." I mocked.

He smiled and came closer to me. I felt uncomfortable and I tried to distance myself from him. He held my hand and for an inexplicable reason I let him. He lowered his head before speaking in a hush tone.

"Why is it so difficult for you to accept that I may be interested in you?" I was at a loss for words, captivated by his strong scent and his mesmerizing gaze.

"Tell me." He pressed further and I pulled my hand away and tried to get up. That seemed like the most reasonable solution at the time. I do this best. I run away from situations that make me feel uncomfortable, I run away from people, I run away from life........

"I don't think this conversation is over yet. Don't leave, please." His voice sounded pleading, defeated and I almost felt sorry.

"Look." I gathered some strength but never returned to my seat. "You seem like a nice guy but really I'm not interested. Maybe you should try pursuing someone else, someone more willing, and someone who deserves you." The last part was not meant to be said out loud. I immediately bit my lip and exhaled loudly.

"What do you mean "deserve me"? Can you please sit down and please remove your sunglasses when you are talking to me?" he asked but I didn't oblige

" I have to go. I can't do this right now. I'm running late." I lied but he grabbed my arm again.

"Are you seeing someone? Is that why you are so reluctant? Tell me and I'll stop right now. Otherwise I have no intention to stop pursuing you, until I make you see yourself the way I see you." His words made me so weak, but I quickly returned to reality. I don't know him. I am nothing special to be pursued. For all I know, he might have spotted me drinking coffee by myself, day after day and he thought I was an easy target. I don't seem pathetic and desperate, do I? Oh my God I do. I picked up my bag and started running, praying that he didn't follow me. I ran so fast, I could practically hear my heart beating. I didn't want to go home yet and I decided to roam in the park. To get lost among the seas of people jogging, reading newspapers or just relishing the beautiful surroundings. I checked a couple of times behind me and when I was certain that he didn't follow me, I sat by a pond to catch my breath.

Great, there goes my table, my favorite coffee, my beautiful, peaceful morning routine. I hated him. He messed with my life. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, blocking everything out and focusing only on the sounds of nature. Why life has to be complicated? Why do I have to be like this? I need old Rose back. The carefree, feisty, passionate one who would not put up with anyone's bullshit.

A fairytale without  name (Rose and Marco)Where stories live. Discover now