Chapter 41

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Lunch turned into a walk towards an ice-cream parlor and I felt like I was a teen again. I had missed just being away from home all day long, doing nothing in particular and having fun. After the awkward moment at the restaurant when Thomas told me that he could give me a reason to stay, he tried his best to make me laugh and feel comfortable again. It was so nice to just walk around, talk and laugh even with someone I didn't really know. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between Thomas and Ann. They were both so kind and open. I didn't know if it was a family trait or if everyone living in small towns were wired that way. I welcomed it nonetheless.

We arrived at the inn later that evening, just when the sun was starting to set. Ann was relaxing on the back yard with a glass of ice tea in hand. A mischievous smile formed on her lips on seeing us and I shook my head smiling at her. She seemed happy and I hated it that she might have thought that something could actually happen between her son and I. Thomas was surely an attractive man, very polite and well mannered. Could I see him in a different light? Would I be willing to spend more time with him and be open to a possibility of something more? Endless questions swirled around my head as I was watching Thomas describing our little trip to his mother. Ann was smiling and commenting on everything he was saying, winking at me several times. She was acting exactly like my mother had when Marco came to Boston. Would I ever stop thinking about him? Would I compare everything I lived from no own to a memory I had shared with him? I should stop that before it destroyed me even more. He had moved on and maybe it was time I did the same!

"We're celebrating Rose's birthday on Saturday. Why don't you take care of the cake mom?" Thomas said out of the blue and Ann's cheerful laughter caught my attention. Was she really drinking ice tea? Something stronger would explain her overjoyed state, but who was I to judge? She happily accepted of course and despite my pleas to keep it simple and that there was no need to make a fuss about it, they were both adamant to plan a proper birthday party. A pair of guests called Ann's name and she excused herself, leaving Thomas and I watching each other in silence.

The sky had turned into a perfect mix of red and orange and the sound of a light breeze created the perfect peaceful atmosphere. I felt so tired from all the walking today but I needed a few more moments, to take in the beauty in front of me, before I retreated to my room. By beauty I really meant the scenery and not a certain man who was just happened to sit in front of me. What? I really needed to get going because my mind had stopped working properly.

"I think I am just going to have a shower and go to bed early. I am exhausted." He held my hand to help me up and didn't let go, before he started talking. We were close now, too close for my liking and my traitorous heart began racing. I wasn't ready for what he was about to say or do. Maybe I was totally wrong but I didn't want this beautiful day to end with something I would regret or give him false hope for something I wasn't sure yet.

"I had a great time today Rose. I hope I didn't scare you away with all the hiking and my lame jokes." I smiled thinking that my feet were killing me and I would really do with a foot bath. He was so fit and never once did he stop to catch his breath. I would think twice before I agreed on a day like this again. Not that he would want to hang out with me again but just saying. Coming closer to me, still not leaving my hand, he lowered his voice just like he had done at the restaurant.

"I liked spending time with you Rose and I hope you'll give me a chance to show you around more. I really meant it when I told you that I could give you a reason to stay here." Was he really hitting on me? Did I like it? Was my mouth open but no words were coming out of it? Did I look like an idiot? Yes to all the above. I quickly came to my senses and thanked him for today, slowly retracting my hand from his.

A fairytale without  name (Rose and Marco)Where stories live. Discover now