Ch 19: Your Prince

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It seems like I get mad at Jc like every five seconds. Maybe if he wasn't so dull and annoying, I might actually have a grain of respect for him.

I was anticipating something bad when Jenn got home. She was super upset when she called me.

I just wish she'd realize that Jc is not the one for her.

I mean I'm not saying that I am either...but I kinda want to be.

Anthony had been making popcorn or something when I got the call, so when he came back from the kitchen he saw my face mixed with dread and anger.

"What happened to her this time." He said, half worried and half bored since he already knew what my rants were like.

"Stupid Jc! He's treating Jenn like trash, as usual, but somehow he always convinces her to stay with him. She doesn't deserve this."

I was still confused as to how I had become so in love and protective of a girl I basically hated two months ago. Some people can really change your life.

We turned off whatever scary movie we were watching now and just waited silently. It felt like hours, even though it had actually been five minutes since she called me.

"So, you really like her? Like a lot..." Anthony started to ask me.

"I honestly don't know. I've never felt this way before about anything, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. But Jenn is just amazing. I could go on and on about how she's smart, beautiful, kind, all the things people typically say, but she's more than that, she's just so unique I guess. I wish she could let it out and not have to hide it by pretending to be someone just out of fear that she'll be bullied and rejected.

I wish I could express this to her. Just how perfect she is and how much I love her. But I don't think she'll ever feel the same about me."

Anthony actually looked touched by this, and that took a lot from me since he usually just got emotional over TV shows and female musicians.

"Jack, don't give up. She will, I know it. She just needs to find herself again."

Suddenly we heard the lock on the door turn. Jenn came in, looking tired and sad.

"Jenn-" I started to talk but before I could get anything out, she ran into me and held onto me tightly, and I did the same back to her.

"I'm an idiot, for thinking that he ever loved me. Throughout this made up life, I thought that that was the one thing that might be true. But obviously it wasn't." Jenn mumbled.

"Jenn, what happened?"

She looked up at me with sad eyes,"he's been cheating on me with Lia this whole time. He was making out with her and he called her his girlfriend. And who knows what he's doing with her now. I'm just so upset. I hate love."

I felt so pained for her. Jc really messed up this time. And Jenn was the one who had to suffer through it.

"Jenn, love will get better. What you had with Jc isn't love, so don't give up. I know there is someone out there who loves you-" Anthony started coughing as I said that. I quickly glared at him so he would stop, and I continued, "so start looking for your prince, because you might not see him clearly yet, princess."

She started quietly laughing and looked at me. "You really think so?" I nodded.

"What if I already have, but I'm not totally sure how to approach the situation?"

I got worried all of the sudden. What if Jenn was already interested in another guy?

"Well, if he feels the same way, he'll make the first move."

Always, Princess (a jackxpenn au fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat