Ch 18: Halloween

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I looked for Jack once I got to school on Monday morning. Halloween was this Friday and I wanted to make plans to hang out with him. I mean him and the others. But mainly Jack.

Of course while I was looking for him, Jc came up to me.

"Hey babe, Matt's Halloween party is on Friday, so remember to show up at 7," he commanded me, then smirked, "and don't forget to wear a sexy costume." He winked at me and started to leave when I grabbed his arm.

"Sorry, I have something I'm doing. Maybe next year?" I said, a bit nervous.

He laughed at me and replied, "I wasn't asking, it's a requirement. Unless you're a bad girlfriend...and a bad friend."

Of course, if I did not go, he would hurt my friends. I was seething inside. Why did I even love this guy? He's so thirsty and demanding, but I guess it did get me out of being bullied for awhile. 

And now my plans were ruined, so while Jack and our friends were having fun, I would be pleasing Jc with some dumb bunny costume or something that would make me look half naked. 

I decided to just go to class so my anger could not build up anymore. I sat down in my seat, right next to Jack. I just sat there quietly, and he looked at me with concern. So it looked like I was not very good at hiding my emotions.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked me. I just shook my head, waiting until I could gather my words.

"I was thinking our crew could hang out on Halloween, but Jc is forcing me to go to some stupid party, an apparently I need to get my stripper outfit ready."

He got quiet and looked away like he usually did when he got mad.

"I really hate that kid. He bullied me and now he's bullying you, and you don't deserve that. I wish you could just stop him," he sighed.

"I wish that too, but it's either me or you guys," I swallowed and then mumbled,"and I don't think I love him anymore. I mean, I want to keep our relationship intact because it made me so happy, but at the same time I can't tolerate this stuff anymore."

He suddenly perked up at that. "Well, I'm not sure how successful your relationship was, since you both kinda did it just to get something out of it. But would you have anyone in mind to move on to?"

He was so nosy sometimes, but his curiousity made me laugh.

"I'm not quite sure yet. But you're right. Maybe my craving for safety made me see Jc as perfect. I guess I should just sort out my feelings."


The week went by super fast, with normal boring school stuff and normal dumb drama. Jack and I turned in our science project, and we got a 95%. We made a great team, and we made great friends. 

And maybe that't how it was supposed to stay.

Jc was hardly letting me out of his site, and he was trying to charm me since it was a bit obvious that I was trying to avoid him. But I could not break his heart, or at least right away, because that would mean hell for the rest of senior year, and Jack probably did not even like me. I secretly thought he was into that Alexa girl, since he drove her to school every day and they seemed to be pretty flirty.

I was getting ready to go to the party. I had ended up dressing up as an angel, since Jc was dressing up as a demon. It was not as revealing as Jc would like, but I was not going to violate myself by wearing some revealing little piece of cloth.

Jack and Anthony were at my house since Jack's older brother was hosting a party at his house and Anthony was just there to make sure neither of them were hanging out alone. My parents were out of town for business and I knew I was not going to stay for the whole party. I would probably pretend to drink a lot and leave because I was "sick".

When I came down, Jack immediately looked at me and blushed, then turned his face away quickly. I just rolled my eyes at the back of his head.

"Someone looks pretty cute," he said, now looking at me and smirking.

"Shut up. You know how much I want this night to be over with," I said, but I couldn't help but smile. Jack kind of just called me cute and he did blush when he saw me.

I got up to leave before I got any ideas of ditching and possibly ruining my friends' lives. But before I could go, Jack grabbed my wrist.

"Hey if anything goes wrong, you call me, ok? And don't let Jc make you do something you don't want to do. Just be careful for me." He seemed a bit nervous, but so was I.

"I will, don't worry. I'll be gone for like an hour, and by that time Jc will be so drunk he wouldn't be able to recognize me."

I drove over to Matt's house and walked in to see a bunch of teenagers wearing very scampy costumes, grinding and getting drunk. I saw Andrea with Kian and some of my other actual friends, but I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Look at my hot angel," Jc whispered into my ear, "maybe you'll look better without that on." I could smell the alcohol on his breath, so I knew he was already busy getting drunk.

"Yeah, maybe. I'll be right back and we can talk about it later." I quickly left so I wouldn't get myself into any more trouble than was already bound to happen.

I went to go talk to Andrea and Kian and some other people that were hanging around who weren't drunk. I chatted with them for the whole time until Andrea saw something out of the corner of her eye and left. She quickly came back and looked at me with alarm in her face.

"Jenn you might want to come and see this." 

We rushed over to where she was, and I looked at the massive group of people until I saw what she was talking about.

Jc was making out with another girl. Lia.

My heart started pounding and I walked fastly over to them until they broke away and Lia opened her annoying little mouth.

"Jc you love me right?" She said, batting her eyes.

"Of course babe, you wanna leave after this and go to my place?"

"What about your girlfriend?" she asked, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Isn't that you?" She smiled and nodded. I could feel the tears coming. 

I ran out the door, knowing I should have left a long time ago. I got in my car and locked myself in, changing out of my costume and then sitting there trying to calm down.

I saw a few missed calls from Jack and two texts.

"Hey is everything going ok?"

"It's super boring without you. Lil Tony is putting on some of his soul jams again, even though we should be watching a horror movie or something now."

I smiled as I read those. Jack really cares about me. Now I know who I really love, and it wasn't Jc.

I decided to call Jack. He picked up after the first ring.

"Hey bae, what's up?" He said, sounding nervous once again.

"Things...didn't go well. Go figure. I'm completely done with that bastard." I ended up breaking down in more tears.

"Jenn, I'm so sorry. When you get home I promise I'll be here to comfort you. I can come and pick you up if you want, but I think you should come home and then we can talk about it, alright?"

I told him I'd just drive home, and ten minutes later I was home, ready to feel relief after this pain that we think is love. 

Hey guys! Big update for the start of the new year! So sorry if this was kinda confusing or whatever, I was writing it while celebrating new years. There was more to this scene, but I got really tired, so I hopefully will have time to write that tomorrow. I hope you guys like this, I put a lot of time and effort into it ;) thank you all. Oh and also I'll be starting dedications again, sorry I completely forgot about those lol

Shameless Self Promo of Chapter: please go follow my tumblr- i'm almost at 100 followers so it'd be nice if I could reach that goal soon :D

Always, Princess (a jackxpenn au fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें