Ch 16: Confused Feelings

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I had to leave Jack. Just for awhile. My feelings were getting too confusing, so I went on a short drive by myself.

I was driving back to the park and saw Anthony and Jack so I pulled up next to them.

"Didn't think I'd forget to drive you home, did ya?" I asked Jack as I got out of the car.

"I actually did. Where did you go?" he asked, worried.

"I went to go get Starbucks," I lied.

"How rude, you didn't bring any back. You are forever shamed by your family," Anthony retorted.

"Sorry about it," I said, laughing, then turned to Jack,"can you sit in the car for a moment? I need to talk to Anthony. It's about this girl we know who is secretly in love with him, and she wouldn't want anybody knowing." Jack nodded, a bit confused, and got in the car.

"That was the dumbest excuse I've ever heard." Anthony said, unamused but still smirking.

"Well he believed it." I mumbled in reply.

"So what can your psychiatrist help you with today, my young patient." He said matter-of-factly, "by the way if it's about Jack you owe me double 'cause I'm betting my money that it is."

"Guess I owe you double of nothing. How did you know?"

"I saw it coming. So anyways, you kinda like him but you're scared of Jc?"

Dang that kid is good. He should look into actually making this his career.

"Basically. I think my feelings for Jack are growing stronger, but I still love Jc. I can't just leave him." I went on to tell Anthony the rest of my thoughts and feelings about Jack and Jc, and let my confusion unravel.

"So you basically choose a nerdy guy who's a nice guy or you choose a hot guy who tends to abuse you," he concluded, "tough pick."

"It's not like that Anthony. Let me break it down: I have feelings for Jack that are strong yet friendly feelings and I have a boyfriend who I love and loves me back and I'm not just going to leave him."

"You have boyfriend who will love you until he lays you." He simply stated.

I was taken aback by his comment. How could he say that?

But what if he was right?

"You just love Jc so your identity isn't compromised. You need him as your protection from your fear of bullying, when really, he's only there to be a great example of it."

"We both can get what we want out of this. That's what love is all about." I said, getting mad.

"That's not what it's about at all, Jenn."

I turned away and felt my eyes getting wet. The truth behind these words that I wanted to believe were hurt. And I didn't know where to go from there.

"I can't go back to that life again. Ever. Especially not now, not when I've made it this far. Not when I'm making important choices for the well being of my future." I said, in almost a whisper, and turned to leave.

Anthony didn't say anything, but I knew this wasn't over. I opened the door to my car abruptly, plopping down in the driver's seat, probably looking as upset as I felt.

Jack looked over at me and put a hand on my shoulder, which gave me tingles. "That wasn't about a girl who's in love with Anthony, was it?" He asked gently.

I laughed a little, looking straight ahead.

"If only it had been."

Guess who's back! I missed watt pad so much omg. My life has been so busy tho, so I'm glad I finally found time to write. Thank you all for the support you have still given my stories while I've been gone, it means a lot. If you wanna message me about my crazy life I've been having lately or whatever, hmu :p also I'm gonna start doing Shameless Self Promo of the Chapter, so here we go

Shameless Self Promo of the Chapter: go check out my spotify playlists in the works "ayythatsolauren"

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