Ch 22: The Asking Pt.1

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Why was he yelling at me? He probably did not understand that I was only getting back with Jc because I wanted to keep my deal with him that if we stayed a couple, he would not hurt my friends. Or at least that is what I am telling myself.

"I don't understand why you're upset, I thought you wanted me to be happy! And I realize what Jc did, but we all make mistakes and we've stuck with each other through a lot, I think we really just need to work things out. He can be a good guy, he really can. People change."

None of that is close to being true, why did I say that? Was I trying to make Jack...jealous?

"Jenn, I seriously believed that you had more self respect for yourself than that. We talked this over thoroughly a few days ago on how you were done with him, and it makes me upset that you're just caving in. There's guys out there who truly care about you, and I'm not sure why you're doing this, but who am I to stop you." He then got up to leave, but before he could I asked, "who? Can you actually name a guy out there who will love and care for me?"

He keeps his back towards me for awhile and then sighs and turns around, walking towards me with the anger melting from his eyes and hugs me as well as lightly kissing me on the cheek. "Give it time," he whispers, eyeing me for a few more seconds before he leaves.

I felt myself ready to explode at this moment. Crushes are definitely not supposed to feel this way at all, so why is this happening to me?

Ok, cut the crap Jenn, you are really doing this because of that video Jack posted. Just when I started falling hard for him, when I thought he might even genuinely like me for who I am, and that I might have a chance at a great relationship, I find out that he's in love with some mystery girl. I used a fake twitter I made for random purposes such as this to ask him that question and of course he answered it in the way I was hoping he would not.

And now I just felt that love was so hopeless.


"Anthony, I need your love advice."

We were sitting in his car drinking starbucks, the typical. I would normally be doing this with Jack but I felt like all he would do is preach to me about holding myself at higher standards. Or just staying away from his nemesis.

"Jenn, listen, this is senior year, we're basically adults soon. So you know what that means? It means not waiting on the sidelines to be asked or praying about some guy to notice you. It means that you have to be strong and willing to just make a move for something you feel is right or important. I know you're into Jack, and the only way for you to find out if he feels the same way is by expressing your feelings to him." I sighed at this.

"Hasn't he told you anything about who he's in love with? You guys are best friends...but then again I thought I was one of his best friends as well but he didn't let me in on his little secret. Please help me out."

Anthony looked at me skeptically. "I haven't told him a single thing about your love life, so I'm not doing that to him. But maybe you should suggest going to that dumb homecoming dance together, I'm sure he'd be down for that garbage." I could always count on this kid to humor me with his salty attitude.

I had forgotten that homecoming was next weekend though! That was a perfect idea, maybe somehow I could get Jack to go with me to the dance. And if it was successful, the rest could fall in place.

I had no clue what I would do about Jc, but at this point I was too focused on gaining Jack's affection that I did not care about what Jc would do to me.

Hello! Random thing, I have been writing this story for more than a year now! I know I haven't accomplished as much as I would have liked to in a year's time, but I am happy with how much success this book has earned. I did not think this would ever have 30,000 reads or be one of the top jackxpenn fanfics on wattpad. So I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you who have read the story, those who have been fans since the first update, those who have binge read this book, those who have been very active with reading it, and those who just enjoy reading the book in general. I really appreciate all you readers:) Also, since this turned into a big A/N, I would like to mention that I pre-wrote the next part to this chapter wayyyyyyyyy back when (like legit a year ago) and once this update gets 12 votes I will post it immediately (unless I'm on vacay lol). I'm sorry I continue to write these massive paragraphs, I said I wouldn't in like one of the first updates, but I just feel the need to connect to y'all so yeah. Check out my social medias in my bio;)and I'll prolly see ya soon!

Oh and ps (sorry one other thing), it would be cool if you guys commented your fave jackxpenn fanfics bc I've only read like 4 and they're all basically done so I wanna start reading some again. Thank you thank you thank you bye for real now.

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