Ch 10: Restored Friendship

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I spent the rest of my ditch day with Jack strolling around the city. We actually talked a lot, and he wasn't like my other friends.

He actually listens to me and doesn't have to add his opinion in to everything I am saying. He actually seems interested in my life, which he wasn't at all last month.

And he was so...relatable.

I had to tell him my bullying story, he basically knew all the rest of it besides what was actually going on at the time. He had seen some of it in middle school, but otherwise he didn't know much of it since we hadn't been close.

"I was bullied about basically everything," I started off. "How I looked, being smart, and eventually it led to everything about me. I wasn't attractive when I was in middle school at all. I was too thin and didn't have the body, if you know what I'm getting at. I had braces and glasses. I changed it quite a bit, but I'm still not that attractive." I said, starting to look away.

"Oh Princess," Jack said laughing. I was really confused at what he was saying, so I gave him a questioning look.

"You're definitely not ugly. A lot of boys like you and you're the most popular girl at school, so that means something." he said, getting nervous, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, besides Jc, who do you really know likes me?" I said, laughing at his dorky remark.

"I've heard a bunch of the jocks talking about you. And the geeks too. I also know someone personally, but they'd prefer to stay anonymous. I need all the friends I can get, ya know."

Um, wow. I guess.

"Well, all the jocks are idiots looking for sex. So we can count them out," I said, shrugging. "But I...I didn't know people actually thought..."

He just smiled at me and laughed again.

I felt myself blush and then felt like I had been hit with a brick. Jc never reassured me that I was pretty. He just told me I was hot or sexy occasionally. It was nice and all I guess, but those were just compliments of the body.

Hopefully there was more to me than just looks.


Jack and I had just made it to a local park. We were exhausted so we sat down on a bench.

I somehow unconsciously rested my head on Jack's shoulder. I was comforted by him, and he didn't seem mad that I had went further than hand holding.

I heard footsteps and turned around, picking my head up from Jack's shoulder. I was shocked to see who it was.

"I didn't know you guys were... close friends, " Anthony said as he walked up towards us.

I looked at him cautiously, and Jack had gotten up and had a protective look on his face.

"What do you want from me, Anthony?" I said, getting quiet.

"How did you find us?"Jack questioned.

He glared at Jack. "Just happened to be in the area."

Then looked at me calmly. "Look, Jenn, I just wanted to apologize for today. I just felt hurt after you ditched me I guess. I didn't want the same thing to happen to my best friend."

I nodded. "I'm sorry for all the tension I've caused between us. Like I told Jack, I'm going to become my true self again this year. So what do you say to being friends again?"

"We're back in business, J," he said, smirking at me.

"Heck yeah we are, A," I said, hugging him.

I haven't updated in foreverrrr. But I'm on vacation so whatever. I'm currently listening to the sound of water hitting a boat so that's fun. Anyways, sorry if this was awful. I've been kinda depressed and jet lagged and I always have problems which sound like excuses I'm sorry. I'll edit this soon hopefully tho.

And school is starting soon -_- I MIGHT go back to daily updates so I can get some in before this torturous ritual starts

Lastly, I might be confused but I'm pretty sure that this story is #10 on the jackxpenn list so thanks a lot :) it's awesome that both of my jackxpenn stories are in the top ten (Until is #6) but I might be reading the list wrong because I saw it on my phone. So if you find any info about that, please comment or message me :) and hopefully one of my stories (or both) will eventually make it into the top 5, or top 3 (XD probably not though, I have lots of competition). Thanks for I think 1.4k reads?! You guys rock. My main priority with this story is that the readers enjoy it :)

Wow that was long. I'll go now bye

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