Ch 23: The Asking, Pt.2

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Wow, you guys got me to 15 votes in a little over half a day!  That's pretty awesome, and as promised, here is the second part of the chapter:)


I walked into school the next day with purpose for once, knowing that I must succeed at the semi-pointless mission I had given myself. I understand how dumb I am to be obsessing over a boy like some teenage girl in high school with no life or high standards for herself, but then again that is basically what I am so I guess that is not a problem. 

But also, I just feel something different about Jack, like an empty part of me has been filled. I never have felt this way about any of the guys I have dated, or any other person for that matter, so I feel that it is very important to discover why this feeling exists and make sure it continues to stay.

I saw Jack around occasionally but we never had time to talk. I would continue to grow anxious as every hour ticked by, because if he did not ask me today, then all we would have is next week, and I already know that Jc will probably snatch me up by then.

Finally lunch came rolling around. I plopped myself down next to Anthony, Jack, Andrew, and Rebecca. I had not seen Andrew and Rebecca around in quite some time, so I went over and hugged them both. 

"Guess who's going to homecoming with an actual date rather than pretending to dance with Beyonce!" Andrew said excitedly. 

"I'm so happy for you and Becs, I feel like such a proud parent right now," Anthony gushed, then shot his eyes towards me and Jack, who were sitting on opposite sides of him, "so what about you Jenn? Got any plans? Have a certain lover boy who you want to go to the dance with?"

I sighed and looked at him, uninterested. "Maybe, but we don't need to discuss that. What about you Jack, what lucky lady are you taking to the dance? Maybe that one girl you're in love with?" I winked, receiving a dreadful face from him. 

Anthony started laughing and almost choked on the orange he was eating, while I just sat in my chair, silently seething about how obvious he was being. Jack took his upset face and turned it towards Anthony now, and then said,"well, I'm not entirely sure if she is available. Can't decide whether I should ask her or not. But shouldn't you be going with Jc or whatever?"

I could sense the bitterness in his tone. Why was he mad at me? If this girl was unavailable, that was not my problem. But maybe I could get her out of Jack's mind as well as win his attention.

"Maybe I'll just beat this girl up and knock some sense into her. I mean she's crazy if she turns you down. Who is this chick anyways?" I was getting fired up now.

Anthony started laughing like a freaking hyena and quickly fell on the floor, seeming as if he was going to literally die of laughter. Meanwhile Jack glared at him and I once more, with more anger than I had seen on his face before. 

"I have to leave," he mumbled angrily. I called for him to come back, but he showed no motion of hearing me.

 I then shot a death glare at Anthony, blaming him in my head for making me lose my chance at getting Jack to ask me to homecoming.


Of course with my luck, I saw Jc after lunch. I honestly was at the point where I did not have a single ounce of love towards him and I wanted to rid myself of him,  but if Jack was not into me, then I might as well try to fix the relationship I was sort of in right now. 

How did Jack not realize that I really liked him? I wanted him to see it so badly, so I would not risk being heartbroken if I shared my feelings with him and he did not feel the same way. As I was thinking, Jc started moving towards me quickly. I also saw Jack out of the corner of my eye standing to the side. He glanced over, quickly looking away. Why was getting his attention so hard?

"Hey babe, don't forget homecoming next week. Find something hot to wear, and I promise you I'll give you a night you won't forget." He winked at me. I started laughing uneasily and a little loudly, hoping Jack would look over, but his eyes were glued to his phone. I guess I had to answer Jc. "Well actually..." Jack looked over, but when his eyes finally met mine, he rolled them and continued looking at his phone. 

"Actually what?" Jc asked, starting to go into a rage, looking over in Jack's direction as well. "You better not be waiting for that loser to ask you or you will hate your social life from here on out," he whispered furiously to me. 

Where was my sense of courage and adventure? I had pledged to myself that I would let absolutely no one ruin my happiness, but that was exactly what was going on right now.

But if Jack broke my heart, then I would be even more unhappy than I was now.

"You're right, I would most likely regret that decision. Trust me, I am not making that mistake." I said, flashing a fake smile at him. I turned to walk away and so did he. I could not stand the pain of this any longer. 

I saw Jack walk away quickly, so I ran up to him. He turned around, a little scared as well as a little angry. "What was that about?" I asked him, flustered. He gave me a look of confusion. "I saw you glance over. Why didn't you help me? You know I don't want to be stuck with him." He rolled his eyes, obviously upset now. 

"No, I actually was not aware of that, considering that you got back together with him after he cheated on you and you pledged to never be around him again, and if you were so desperate to not be with him you would definitely not had said yes to going to the stupid school dance with him." He paused to take a breath from his ranting and then continued.

"Why do I need to "save you" from this problem that you created for yourself, I know that you have the capability! So he doesn't beat you up or spread rumors about you? Well sorry Princess, that's not why we're friends. Or are we? I don't really understand anymore. Like why you wouldn't want to go with Jc. He's a great guy. Especially for this damn reputation you need in order for you to live!"

He turned to leave, but I grabbed his wrist. "Jack, of course you are my friend. You're more than just a friend to me. I don't know why you wouldn't be." I waited for any sign of interest from him, but he continued to look away. "And to be honest, I  kinda wanted another guy to ask me because...I may have strong feelings for them. I just am so clueless with how to get his attention." 

He looked at me, his eyes sparking up with rage. "Right, your "strong feelings" for some guy who's probably just like the rest. A worthless douchebag who you only have feelings for because you want to be the most popular girl in school. Now it makes sense why lots of people hate you. Why I basically despised you for the other years in high school. You have a million people falling for you, wishing they could spend even a second of time with you, and you're so selfish as to try to play hard to get over some idiot that's just as stupid as the rest. If that's really how you want to live your life, an eternal stretch of pity and popularity and only caring about yourself, you can have fun playing that game on your own, Jenn. Or shall I say Your Highness, because Princess, that's all you will ever be, a stuck up girl pretending to be higher than everyone else when all you are is a fraud who will never be loved." And with that, he was off. I didn't even run after him, I could not gain the energy to even move from the spot I was standing in. 

Every single one of his words felt like bloody stabs from the sharpest blade, and after all those stabs, I felt as if I was going to collapse and die. That was the cruelest thing anyone had said to me in my entire life, it was even worse than the bullying I had received all throughout middle school. 

The truth then hit me like a stone: Jack hated me, he did not love me at all. And neither would anyone else. 

I got really carried away with this oops XD I think this is definitely one of my favorite updates though, so make sure to share and vote! Thanks guys, I hope you enjoyed it:) 

(remember to check out my social medias in my bio lol)

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