Ch 13: Like I Thought

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Jenn came in looking as if she was about to burst into tears. I swear if Jc..

Actually I'm not really focused on that right now, but more about how I'm going to beat his butt if he hurt Jenn, and by the looks of it, he did.

Wait, what was I saying? Me, beating up Jc? I mentally laughed to myself. 

"I don't feel so good anymore. I'm going home..." Jenn mumbled as she came to the table to get her stuff. I knew full well what "going home meant"; she was obviously ditching school again.

I've realized though that she only does this when something surprisingly unexpected happens, like when Anthony told her story to the whole table. Even though she said she used to have anxiety, I don't think it's ever gone away from her.

"Do you need me to take you to the nurse first?" I asked her, even though that obviously wasn't my intention.

She nodded, "if you want to, I'd be fine with that."

We walked in silence for a couple moments until we knew that people wouldn't hear us. 

"The conversation with Jc didn't go too well," she mumbled bluntly.

"Obviously," I laughed at her, then got serious,"would you like to talk about it?" She nodded and continued,"Well, it started off with him getting upset about our group and said that he was bullying you guys more, and would continue to, if I hung out with you guys at school any longer. I can't believe I didn't notice. But I have no clue on what to do besides go along with it."

I tried to cut her off, but she hastily added,"he said he would stop bullying you and the rest of the group, if I choose to do what he wants."

I thought for awhile, then realized the obvious answer. "Jenn, I just want you to be happy. You do what you feels right."

"I want to protect you guys. We'll still hang out after school, but for now we'll just have to..ignore each other I guess. Or at least around Jc." she replied sadly.

"Hey, everything will be alright." I said hugging her.

Jenn shook her head,"I'm letting myself down. I can't keep allowing Jc or anyone else to control me."

I held her tight for awhile, and I felt content.

"And that's not the worst..."she started. I could already feel my anger burning inside.

"I don't think Jc loves me like I thought he did."

There's so mush I feel that I have to say. First, sorry for this awful update, i just wanted to give you guys an update and also thought we could get this story to 3k. Second, go check out Happy Little Pill by bethumney, she's amazing and this fanfic is beautiful. 

And this last part is kinda important, but by all means I allow you to skip it: so lately, my writing has been changing. Not necessarily the style, but the motivation and the quality. I'm trying to rush stuff into short updates, and I don't want to do that, but I also don't want this book to be too long, so I feel so confused about not just this story, but all my stories. I also feel like not too many people like this story but idk. And lastly, I really wish I could go into this but I don't think I will; things are getting to my head now. These things I feel are ruining my quality and making me feel like I'm not doing this for me anymore. I really hope that I will be able to just reread through all my stories and probably fix them up and then everything will be better.

So with that, bye see you next time, whenever that may be.

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