Ch 21: You Are The Problem

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I was actually the most scared human being on this planet.

Now was my chance! I kissed her, but I didn't even have the nerve to tell her how I felt. Jenn is most likely never going to go back to Jc again, so she'll be single. And she might actually like me, I mean last night she was basically clinging onto me for dear life right?

Jack, don't fool yourself. You're just dreaming. You think you could tell her your feelings now that she's weak, but you won't. You're scared, scared of rejection, because you know that is all that will come to you if you tell her.

I pushed that thought out of my head. I was not going to put myself down, not now, when it really mattered to change my life.

I was sitting on Anthony's couch, just realizing that Jenn was still clinging onto me and we were both curled together tightly on half of the couch. I kind of wanted to leave, but I also wanted to stay here forever. Soon I heard footsteps and I flinched. Anthony came down the stairs with a big smirk on his face.

"You two are so despicable and oblivious." He said, chuckling dryly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to keep it simple, I know both of your motives, I know what to expect, I know what will happen next."

And with that, he left his house.

I was quite confused by what he had said. Did he know something that I did not? Something specifically about Jenn? And why the heck did he leave his house right after he said that? That was pretty despicable of him...

Jenn started to wake up and when she was fully awake, she immediately shot up and looked around, trying to figure out where she was.

"We're still at Anthony's," I told her, giving her a big smile.

She looked at me and smiled back, then blushed. I was hoping with all my might that she didn't know about me kissing her.

"I think I should probably go home," we both said at the same time.

I quickly got my stuff and left, Jenn following me.

That whole weekend, I did not talk to her, but I was constantly thinking about her no matter how hard I tried. I even filmed a bunch of youtube videos and edited them all, but I still was not distracted enough.

One of the videos I was filming was a typical "Ask Jack". I got a lot of random questions from the fans, which were pretty fun to answer.

"If you were a flower, which one would you be?"

"Will you come to my winter ball dance at school with me? Ily"

"Any recent spottings of Harry Styles?"

Then one of the questions made my heart stop as I read it to the camera.

"Have you ever been in love? And if so, then who was the lucky lady;)"

I checked the profile out quickly. The handle was "thatweirdjgirl" and the only detail on their profile was the name, "j". They had hardly tweeted anything, and were following very few people. I was not sure why, but the identity of this person was going to bother me until I figured out who they were. I mean, they did ask a question so specific to the thoughts racing through my mind.

"I would like to say I have experienced being in love, in fact this instance would be right now in my life. And the "lucky lady", I guess if you could even call her that, is a perfect girl that just so happened to recently come into my life, but it is very unlikely that she will ever love me the way I love her. So that's that."

In order to not go into the depths of despair after that question, I signed the video off, edited it, and posted it. Then I let it go.

Later that night, I got a text. From Jenn.

Hey, I didn't know you had a lover girl out there;) I hate you for not telling me, bestie! But if you ever have any girl trouble, know that I can always help you with it.

I had totally forgotten that she watched my videos! Well, that was about the last thing I needed right now, besides girl help from her. How were you supposed to kindly tell someone that they can't really help you with a problem if they are the problem?

I don't really think it's possible for you to help me, but thanks ly.

Oh really Jack? Well how about we talk about this tomorrow at school? I promise that I can help you make things work k?

This situation seemed to continuously get worse, and why did Jenn even care about this anyway? And what am I supposed to tell her tomorrow, "hey, so since you want things to work out so bad with this girl, do you wanna be my girlfriend? I'm kinda in love with you."

School was going to be dumb tomorrow, as usual.


When I went to science first period, Jenn was not there. I looked for her through the hallways, but still could not find her. She did not sit at lunch with our crew either. I finally saw her outside the cafeteria after lunch, looking excited.

"So much for a wingwoman. Or a bestie for that matter," I said sarcastically, but could not help laughing a little bit.

"I'm sorry darling, I had things to attend to," she replied, smiling at me.

"Oh really, like what?"

"Jc and I are back together! He begged and pleaded, and explained everything out to me, and since no one else is interested, I decided that it won't do any harm to go back to being with him."

I could feel myself getting angry. What the hell was she doing? I cannot believe that she's going back to that dumbass AGAIN. And yet again, she had out ruled me.

"Are you kidding?" I said, showing shock and anger.

This was the perfect example of how hopeless love was.

Hello! I am back! I hope you enjoyed this, if it was bad I would be ok with writing it over again. I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter...but yeah:)

Shameless self promo of the chapter: go follow my

Also, I just got a vine but since I don't know how to figure out my username (oops) comment your usernames and I'll try to follow some of you guys:)

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