Chapter 34

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Third person POV

Footsteps were heard on the stairs. The maid ran as fast as she could towards a specific room. The room which she knew she could find all or most of the princes spent their time.

Without knocking on the door, she hurriedly burst in. "Your Highnesses!" She was panting heavily.

"Lady Shin!" Seokjin stood up in surprise. "What's wrong?" "The lady..." she was panting. "Their mother has awakened. And she was crying hardly!"

Once she announced that Hoseok who's in the room as well, watching over , Jaewoo, Gaeul and Bomi, went on his feet at once. "I'm checking on her. Watch over the princesses for me."

"No way! We're coming too!" Taehyung picked up baby Jaewoo in his hand, Gaeul as usual went with Jimin and surprisingly Yoongi was there too, picking Bomi in his hand. "You're lucky you're cute, kid." He coldly whispered to Bomi which the younger replied with a giggle and light kiss on Yoongi's cheek.

Even from a distance, they all could hear a loud cry. She was wailing and her cry sounded so...hurt.

*what happened to you, Haneul?* Hoseok fastened his step towards the guest room.

"Why?????" Haneul's loud cry was heard as soon as Hoseok opened the door. Just then, Jaewoo started to cry. Taehyung went panic as well, "I didn't do anything." "He's probably crying because his mother is crying. He probably feel what his mother feels, I don't know. But let's get him somewhere else first." Seokjin swiftly took the baby from Taehyung and walked away to somewhere quiet.

Hoseok rushed to her. The maids were trying to calm her down but she started to throw the pillow and the duvet elsewhere.

Gaeul hugged Jimin, "Omma is hurt. I don't like seeing her like this." Bomi wrapped her tiny hands around Yoongi's neck, "Omma...appa...hurts her." Jungkook, who was standing behind his brother, heard what the little girl said. "What did you say? Who hurt her?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Appa...omma" Bomi answered.

"I think it's best if we leave first." Namjoon suggested. "Hoseok will take care of everything." "I agree. I'll be taking Gaeul and Bomi to the garden." Jimin said and Yoongi nodded, "I'm coming with you. You might need some help later." "Sure, thanks hyung." And with that the two males brought Haneul's daughter away from there.

Taehyung looked at the maids who were still in the room. "You can leave now. Leave everything to Prince Hoseok." "Yes, Your Highness!" They bowed before they made their way out.

Jungkook slowly closed the door, leaving Hoseok and Haneul in the room.

Hoseok tightly wrapped his hands around Haneul's body as the lady was trying her best to break away from him.

"Haneul, please calm down!"

"Why?? Why do I have to live? Just let me die already!" She cried. "What about Gaeul?? Bomi and Jaewoo? Think about your kids, Haneul! Don't say such stupid things!" Hoseok said. "Just tell us what happened! We might be able to fix it together." Hoseok said.

"Nothing can fix this! He hates me! He doesn't want me! He doesn't want us!" She cried but at least she stopped wiggling.

Hoseok slowly rocked her body side to side, gently patting her back. "Everything will be okay. You're with us now. No one's going to hate you." he said. Just then he felt her hands around his waist. Haneul buried her buried on his chest and continued to cry hardly without saying anything else.

They both stayed like that for almost an hour and he didn't complain about it. He just wants Haneul to let it all out.

Her cry slowly died down and all left was faint sobs.

Hoseok's hand gently rubbed her back, "Are you okay now?" He asked her and she gave a small nod before she pulled away from him. "I'm sorry for acting this way, Your Highness." Haneul said as her eyes landed on the tears stain on Hoseok's clothes.

"I'll forgive you if you stop calling me Your Highness. Just call me like you're used too."

Haneul nodded with a small smile, "Okay Hoseok-nim."

Just then someone knocked on the door. "Come in." Hoseok called. Someone walked in and it was Taehyung. "Oh you're awake now! Thank god! I think he's hungry. It's been a while since he started crying." He was obviously panicking.

Haneul held her hands out. "Let me hold him." Taehyung walked closer and passed Jaewoo to her.

"I'll take my leave first-" Hoseok was about to get up but Haneul grabbed his hand. "Stay." Was all she asking. "But you're going to feed him-" "Please just stay. I don't want to be alone." She pleaded with him.

He sighed, "Tae, can you leave us for a while?" "Sure, hyung. Take your time." "Thanks Tae." The older thanked his brother before the younger left the room.

"Shush baby, omma's here with you. I'm sorry Jaewoo." Haneul talked to her baby as she slowly lifted her cloth. Hoseok quickly turned away from her.

"Geez! Warn me before you do that Haneul!" Hoseok could feel his cheek blushed in red. "What? You like me right? I thought you would like that." Haneul was being straightforward with him.

"I do like you, Haneul! But that doesn't mean I would like to see you naked in front of me. Not until you decide to accept me, in the right way."

Haneul looked at him with widened eyes even though his back was facing her. "You'll wait for me? Even knowing that I won't be yours?" she asked.

Hoseok sat on the edge of the bed. He's still back-facing her, respecting her privacy while she's breastfeeding her son. "I can't give up on you, Haneul. Not yet. You're my first love."

"Hoseok-nim, I'm really sorry-" "It's okay. I know. Soulmate. You told me before. But Haneul..." Hoseok sighed. "Just don't stay away from me okay? Treat me as a friend. You can share your problem with me if you want." Hoseok said and Haneul nodded with a small smile on her face, "Okay."

Hoseok then cleared his throat. "You're staying here right?"

Haneul's smile faded. "I guess so. I mean can I? The kids and I have nowhere else to go." "I don't mind. And I don't think Namjoon would mind too. Our kingdoms are friends now. But..." Hoseok stopped talking for a moment before he continued. "What happened Haneul? What happened to you and the kids? What happened in Odemore? You were fine the last time we met last week."

She let out a fake chuckled, "Well...hell happened within the whole week." "Judging from your cry, I'm guessing something or someone must've hurt you a lot." Hoseok said.

She let out a force chuckled. "You don't know how hurt I am."

"Then tell me about it." Hoseok wanted so much to turn around and looked at her face but he knows it's inappropriate.

"I'm not ready yet." Haneul pulled Jaewoo away from her. "Are you done baby? Are you happy now?" Haneul was smiling widely at her son. As if he understands her, baby Jaewoo smiled back at his mother. "If you're happy then omma is happy, baby." Haneul placed Jaewoo gently on the bed. "I'm done now, Hoseok-nim."

Hoseok finally turned around. Now only he could see how painful Haneul's expression was. He gently scooted closer. "Haneul..."

"I'm not ready yet, Hoseok-nim." Her head was lowered as tears started to fall. "Ha-Haneul..." Hoseok reached his hand out to touch her head but something was stopping him.

Will she be okay? Does she mind with him comforting her?

His fingertips slowly touched her hair. He gave her a gentle pat on her head. "It's okay Haneul." She looked up at him, "H-Hoseok-nim-" she sob. "Damn it! I don't care anymore!" And with that Hoseok pulled her into a comforting hug. "I don't care if you're someone wife! Just cry on me, Haneul. I'll be there for you. Let it all out."

Haneul wrapped her hand around his waist. "Why??" She cried again. "I just want to know why?"

Hoseok's heart pained while listening to her cry. He didn't even realize he, himself, had some tears that blurred his vision.

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