Chapter 26

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Haneul POV

I followed her silently. How can she walk peacefully like that when we're under attack??

I hid myself behind the wall and I heard some voices. One of them belongs to her.

"Now where's our money?" a voice asked.

I frowned. Money?

"You still haven't completed your task gentlemen." she said with a rather seductive tone. "Our task was only to attack the palace." I heard another voice say.

She chuckled. "No, the real task was upstairs."

I frowned even deeper. Upstairs?

"Did you not see it? The King's chamber was guarded by those brothers!"

I covered my mouth, preventing a soft gasp to escape. Damn! This girl! I never thought she would plan this. I was right not to trust her.

"That was not in the original plan."

"Yes, you want us to attack the palace and now we did. The rest is up to you. Now where's our payment??"

That's it! I was ready to attack them but my movement stopped when I heard her next words.

"Not again. I should really find someone who can complete this task. Or rather I should be careful with the order I gave." She said before there's a pause. "You should just attack each other. Nah, you should just kill each other."

I frowned again. What is she saying? I took a peek and I saw there were three men in front of her and she was back facing me. Somehow even from a distance I could see that the men's eyes were slightly glowing.

"Yes, maam!" with that the vampires started to kill each other and she was just standing there, watching.

Then I figured it out now! She was controlling them with her voice!

I slowly took steps backwards before starting to speed upstairs to the others. I just have to tell them!

It was chaotic upstairs! Dead bodies were everywhere! Minghao oppa's shadow people were there as well. I looked around, looking for the boys.

"Shua oppa! Jeonghan oppa!"

"Haneul!" they both turned towards me. They look somewhat relieved and I can see why. Even without having power that is strong enough for battle, they still did their best to fight.

Some vampires ran towards them but hell, I won't let that happen.

I shot the vampires with my wind bullets and they all fell lifeless onto the ground. I hurried ran to them and gave them a big hug. "I'm glad you're okay." "What are you doing here, princess?" Joshua asked. I watched as his knees wobbled and slowly fell onto his knees out of fatigue.

"Oppa!!" I put up a protective shield around both of them. "Haneul, we're sorry. We couldn't help much." Jeonghan said sadly. "What are you saying?? You've done a lot! Now let me take over okay." I patted their back, acknowledging their effort.

Just then-

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Loud scream was heard.

"Maid Han!" I shot up. "She was in the King's chamber." Joshua said. I nodded before I ran towards the direction. I have no problem leaving Joshua and Jeonghan oppa there because I know my shield can withstand the attack.

When I reached the room, some vampires were ready to attack the King but Maid Han stood protectively in front of him. He was awake but somehow Seunggyo looked weak. He kept losing the sparkles in his eyes.

"Both of you, duck!" I waved my hands as I applied my wind scar technique. Maid Han quickly pulled Seunggyo to bend down, covering him. I watched in satisfaction as my attack killed the vampires in the room at once.

I ran towards Seunggyo and Maid Han. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"I asked both of them worriedly. Thank goodness they are not hurt. They're just tired.

Luckily, by dawn, we defeated or you could say we killed all the vampires who supposedly were from Hwayangyeonhwa.

I ran around the palace to find my husband and my brother. "Oppa!!" I screamed when I saw both of them. I ran towards them and threw my hands around my brother first before I shifted to my husband who's standing next to him.

I cupped his face and gave a forceful kiss on his lips before I quickly pulled away and hugged him tightly. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked him worriedly. I felt his hands tightened around my waist. "I'm okay, love. But right now, I have something to take care of." He then slightly pushed me away but his eyes weren't on me.

"We're going to Hwayangyeonhwa! I need some of you to stay here and help with the reconstruction and cleaning, the rest, we're coming for Hwayangyeonhwa." Seungcheol oppa announced.

And I was surprised. He wants to attack Hwayangyeonhwa?? But it wasn't them!!

I pulled on his shirt, "Oppa-" "Not now, baby." he looked at me. His eyes were soft on me but it turned into anger and pure revenge when he looked away.

"Honey, please listen! It's not them! They're innocent!" I told him but he's too angry to listen.

"Now let's move!!" His hands slowly slipped away from me. I then ran to Mingyu oppa, hoping that he would at least listen to me. I hugged his arm. "Mingyu oppa you got to listen to me! Hwayangyeonhwa did not attack us! They-"

Mingyu pulled his hand away before giving me a kiss on my head, "I'm going, Haneul. Look after the people here okay." he then walked away.

Damn! Their anger overtook themselves. What do I do now???

Author's note : Next update will be on next Saturday. Not this coming Saturday ^^ I'm planning to post 3 chapters next update. Hopefully I can do that.  ^^

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