Chapter 50

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter, it's been a while. I hope you like this, it's a bit emotional, prepare yourselves for turmoil. I don't know what to say, it's 2:45 am and I'm still up. I hope everyone had a good Christmas (or holiday season if you don't celebrate) and an amazing New Years, 2020 is fucking over, let it die. Anyways, I bring you Hold It Down by my man Noah Kahan, always coming out with the hottest bops, seriously, I've put so many of his songs in this book and his range is fucking celestial. Alright, have a good night or day, drink your water, try to get some food in your body, let's start this year off a little better. I love you guys, seeya in the next chapter.

"Alright, do you want strawberries or mangos in your smoothie?" Oliver asked as Logan sat at the table, resting his cheek in his hand. It'd been a week of this and it wasn't getting any easier. Oliver helped prepare his meals because Logan had a hard time not just throwing things away. His eating had to be monitored to make sure he actually did eat. At least he had more energy than before. He wasn't sure exactly how much he weighed, he wouldn't be weighed for another couple days, but he knew when he left the hospital he'd gotten down to something like 75 pounds.

"Strawberries." He said, messing with his sweater sleeve. He didn't want to think about it, but he had to. "How many?" He asked quietly. Oliver dumped a handful into the mix, starting the blender.

"Take your vitamins." Oliver said and Logan glanced down at the glass of water and small pile of pills in front of him: supplements and his new medication. His anti-depressants had been changed, it was helping a little being on them, the doctor said it would work better after a few weeks. He swallowed the pills one at a time with water. Oliver took out a glass, pouring the smoothie into it, setting down the plate of avocado toast (260), almonds (200), and a small bowl of yogurt (100). Logan glanced up at his boyfriend. It was the same battle every meal. Logan could tell Oliver was getting a bit annoyed with Logan constantly being stubborn about it.

"I'm not really that hungry." Logan said softly and Oliver rested his palm on the table, taking a bite of his own toast.

"Eat anyway." Oliver said, glancing at him over another bite and Logan touched the glass, not wanting to pick it up.

"Gluttony is a sin, you know."

"Well it's good we're not Christian then, isn't it? Do you want a straw for that?" Oliver asked and Logan just nodded a bit. Oliver walked over to one of the drawers in the kitchen, picking out a yellow straw, walking back over and sticking it into the smoothie. "Now drink it, I'm not getting yelled at by your dads because I didn't make you eat." He said and Logan took a hesitant sip. It didn't taste bad and he was dying to eat something, he just didn't want it.

Logan slowly worked through his breakfast, glancing over at Oliver every now and then. Obviously things had changed since the start of Logan's recovery, things had become more difficult between them, though that conversation with Jace still etched at Logan and he hadn't talked to Oliver about it, it was just a sort of distrust and anger that had grown and now he couldn't even take it out on himself so he just had to live with it and bottle it up.

"You're meeting with your doctor tomorrow for another check in, right?" Oliver asked and Logan nodded.

"Yeah, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday." Logan said and Oliver nodded. "I'm getting my stitches out tomorrow, though."

"That's good. How's catching back up on homework going?"

"Good." Logan said softly. "I'll have a couple tests to take when I get back."

"What do you want to do today after breakfast?" Oliver asked. Logan shrugged a bit, glancing away. Half his breakfast was eaten, he'd have to finish it before he got up.

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