Chapter 6

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A/N: It's almost 2 in the morning and this is the only productive thing I've done besides school work in 2 weeks, so here, take my late night writing and judge it as you will. I'm going to sleep.

Logan yawned as he tugged his earbuds out. He'd gotten to school a little early so he just sat at his desk listening to music and drawing. He couldn't think about anything other than number and calories, when he'd stepped on the scale last night it had said 90.2, before he binged and he'd been at 88.1, so his solution, fast for two days until he could get his weight back down to an acceptable number, even if he thought he'd pass out every time he stood up. He looked up to see Oliver walking in with Jace, look at that, right on time. He shook his head and went back to his drawing, a shot of a torso, ribcage and stomach, collarbones like vallies. He was sure he'd have to switch over to just drawing skeletons soon.

"Alright everyone, so since we've reached the end of our books, which I'm sure you all have done, it's time to write your reports. I want three pages, talk about character arcs, themes, plot, use of metaphors, setting, whatever you please, but it has to be on The Hobbit." Logan had finished the book they'd been reading for English class, a few weeks ago, it was pretty good too, but it was probably more of a freshman level book. The whole reason they were reading it was because they were looking into how Tolkien made a children's book that still had a high literary value, maybe in his essay he'd say something about that. "You all will be paired with one partner, I chose these at random." The teacher said and Logan sighed, everyone collectively rolled their eyes as the teacher went over pairings. "Via and Tate, Frank and Dereck, Syd and Carter, Julia and Kenzie, Oliver and Grace, Logan and Jace, Sophia and Charlotte, Greg and Daniel, Lia and Alex. Alright, those are the pairings, I'll put this up here for anyone who wasn't listening, though you should have been, remember, you have until November twenty-eighth." Logan's stomach dropped into a twisted mess in his shoes. Jace. "Alright, get together with your partners and converse about your projects for the next twenty or so minutes."

Logan took a breath as Jace walked over to his table looking calm and collected as he usually did when he wasn't dead set on giving the boy a hard time.

"I'll do the essay, you don't have to do anything." Logan said and Jace sat down at the seat next to him.

"Good, I wouldn't want to come over to the house of a fag anyway." Jace said and Logan rolled his eyes.

"You know statistics show that people who are overly homophobic are more likely to be gay." He said and Jace glared.

"You little shit." He said, his voice a growl as Logan pulled out his computer, typing up a few ideas.

"Go on, hit me or whatever, I've gotten used to it." He said and Jace scowled.

"Fucking bitch boy, you probably like it." Jace said and Logan rolled his eyes.

"So what?"

"So that's weird as shit."

"And you're either a sadist, or just a fucking douche." Logan said, glancing at Jace. "Could be both, but I'm leaning towards the latter."

"Fuck you."

"That's pretty gay, Jace." Logan said, going back to his work, deciding on the themes he wanted to include and the overall point.

"No, you're pretty gay."

"Good comeback." Logan said sarcastically and Jace grabbed his shirt, his face twisted in anger. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why not?" Jace asked, still pissed. Logan glanced at Oliver who wasn't looking at him and then back to Jace.

"Do you really want everyone to see you beat up the happy, slightly shy queer kid? Really? Tell me, Jace, are you really ready for that kind of backlash?" He asked and Jace let go of his shirt with a growl.

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