Chapter 24

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A/N: The masses have spoken so here is another chapter. This has actually been one of my favorites to write, I really felt Oliver's true character come through in it a bit more than normally. Anyways, take it, I hope you enjoy it. I chose Time To Go by Dean Lewis because I cried the first time I listened to it and I feel like it somewhat captures Oliver's feelings for Logan.

Oliver sat on the beat up leather couch in the living room, reading a book he'd picked up from the library, it was just some mystery that Judas had recommended to him. He looked behind him to the small kitchen before looking back to his book with a soft sigh. The apartment was small and one of them was always sleeping on the couch, but it was fine. It was better than living with his dad anyways. They had a small bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room with a tv that they'd found at a garage sale before Christmas, it had a crack in the corner, but it worked.

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon and Oliver didn't have much to do. Judas was out at work and Oliver had work in a few hours but he had some time to hang out, get homework done, watch tv, and of course, read. It was a week into the new year, but he didn't feel any different. He didn't make resolutions, he didn't really see any point. New Year's resolutions were for rich people who could afford to wait until the beginning of every year to try and make life changes.

He dog-earred his page, closing his book and setting it down as he laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He had a lot of time to think now that his life was quieting down and settling. He hadn't been hanging out with Logan as much, not because he didn't want to, but Logan was always with Syrus and he didn't want to come in the way of their happy relationship lest he ruin it. He missed Logan sometimes, he mostly only talked to him at school now, but he was kept busy. He had a job at the mall at a clothing outlet, they thought he looked young and attractive enough to sell people clothes and they offered him a discount on everything, but he still refused to spend forty dollars on a shirt even if it used to be eighty. He was also busy with schoolwork, his only shot at college was a scholarship or drowning in student loans. Actually, he'd probably be drowing in loans either way.

He wondered if he'd even need to go to college to get into professional photography. Sure, it was encouraged, but it seemed like something he could do without college. He thought he'd just go to community college for photography and if that career failed, maybe Logan would offer him a job at the already wildly successful business he was being handed. At least he'd be working under a friend even if it was a mind-numbing 9-5 job that he'd inevitably hate for the rest of his life but couldn't leave. He didn't want to think about his future, people like him didn't get futures, he wondered how many people expected that he'd fall into alcohol addiction and end up like his father, a bum living only for visits to bars. He couldn't end up like that, he refused to. He'd live a million boring, mediocre lives before he lived a life as pathetic and destructive as his father's. Oliver needed to at least be a good dad if nothing else, he had to prove to himself that he wasn't his father and he wasn't going to be him. Sometimes when he wanted to give up, he thought about Logan, how the nicest boy he knew was born into the worst life possible, Oliver knew Logan would still be just as sweet and caring even if he was still there, because he just had a kind heart and nothing could ruin that.

He wondered what Logan was doing, if he was okay, if he was happy. He wanted to be a part of Logan's life, but not if he was going to make it worse, and right now, being in it would cause problems because he got the feeling Syrus didn't really like him and he knew Logan didn't want to upset Syrus. Above all, he just wanted Logan to be happy and healthy, he wanted to see him smiling that adorable way he did when his perfect teeth showed with that one that was just a little tilted, his freckles and button nose and the way his face tinted red when Oliver teased him, it was unforgettable.

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