Chapter 27

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A/N: Okay, first off, I am so sorry this took so long. I just had no motivation to write anything but poetry for like 2 weeks, but this is finally here. How's everyone doing? We've hit 60k since the last chapter so that's pretty fucking sweet. Anyways, so I thought I'd come back with a bit of Anson Seabra, I feel like so many of his songs just describe this book perfectly and I can relate to them. Enjoy this chapter and have an amazing day!

The next day, the ground was covered in a thin layer of white snow and it was still flurrying when Logan got on the bus. He sat down next to Ivy and took one of his earbuds out. She had a small smile, though it was clear Logan was still riddled with guilt. She looked down to his phone where his earbuds were attached and then to his eyes. He shook his head quietly and handed her an earbud. He didn't feel like talking and she understood.

"I'm proud of you for telling him the truth." She said quietly and Logan looked at her, his eyes slightly widened. "Sy called me last night. He sounded pretty mad, but I think I talked him down for the most part." She continued.

"He has a right to be mad at me, there's no justifying what I did." He said and Ivy sighed softly, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, kissing the top of his head. He smiled a little, Ivy had always been gentle and affectionate with him, not like she liked him romantically, more like an older sister.

"But I know it was hard for you to break up with him anyways. He's justified in being mad, but you're allowed to be upset too." She said and Logan shrugged a little, watching the snow-covered trees blur past white and green.

"It's my fault I'm even sad in the first place, I should have just said no, but I didn't, I..I always make things worse for myself and hurt people and..and lie to people." He said quietly and she looked at him with a small, confused smile. He knew he'd said too much, a pit forming in the bottom of his stomach.

"Logan, what are you talking about? You're the sweetest kid I know, you're always putting people before yourself. I mean, come on, are you lying to me right now?" She asked.

"No.." He said. Lying by omission is still lying, idiot, you're a fucking imposter, she doesn't even know who you are, she'd hate you as much as you do if she did, fuckingbitchsluthateyou. He pulled his sleeve over his hand, twisting the fabric up, staring down at it as he fiddled with his sleeves.

"You've gotta stop talking down on yourself, I'm afraid you actually believe some of that stuff sometimes." She said and he looked at her, his fingers curling up in his sweater sleeve. He might have told her everything in that moment if the bus hadn't pulled to a stop, well, that's what he told himself anyway.


At lunch, Logan bought an apple (90) and a bottle of water, but just decided to find somewhere else to sit instead of his usual table. He'd only glanced to his table before leaving, but seeing Sy there made him want to disappear. He slipped out the lunchroom door and walked down the hall towards the library, jumping slightly when he felt someone grab his elbow and turned quickly, only relaxing when he saw it was Oliver wearing a small smile.

"Hey, are you alright?" Oliver asked and Logan nodded, forcing a smile onto his face. He'll make you eat if he follows you.

"Yeah, I just..I dunno, I was just going to the library to work on my painting, the contest is this Friday, so.."

"Want me to keep you company?" Oliver asked and Logan wondered if it was worth the 90 calories.

"I actually prefer to just work alone if it's okay. Sorry." He said quietly and Oliver nodded.

"Hey, don't be sorry, I can just sit with Grace, I'll see you later." He said and Logan nodded, smiling and waving to him a bit before continuing his walk to the library. He's probably mad at you now, you said no to him, do you think anyone's going to want you if Oliver doesn't? He probably thinks you hate him Stupidfuckingbitchyouruineverything.

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