Chapter 15

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A/N: I was in the mood to do an Oliver chapter, so here it is. I've also been getting into Hobo Johnson lately so here you go. I hope everyone's having an awesome week.

Oliver hadn't seen his brother in almost six years. Judas had left when Oliver was eleven, he'd just turned eighteen and got in a fight. It wasn't a big deal to him, he'd gotten in a lot of fights in highschool, he'd been a bully, that only really got him a detention or a suspension at most, but then he was an adult, and he won the fight, he landed the guy in the hospital with a broken nose, two cracked ribs, and some internal bleeding. Judas barely had a scratch and was ruled guilty with six years in prison, it didn't help that he also had previous charges

Oliver didn't know who his brother was now, but he knew what he remembered him like. Judas had always been violent, even when they were little, hitting Oliver to get what he wanted, yelling, fighting their dad, but Judas also always got the brunt of the abuse. Oliver grew up in a violent house, his dad drinking and angry, his older brother that inherited it, and his mother who didn't know how to protect her children. He didn't want to grow up to be his father or his brother, getting put away for hurting innocent people. He hated how he was, what he acted like, he just wanted to be different, maybe for Logan.

He knew Logan couldn't handle violence, it scared him and brought up all the memories he tried so hard to forget. Logan had never told Oliver what happened when he was little, but he knew it was bad, something to do with drugs, he hated loud noises, fighting. That was why he never brought Logan over ever, aside from his dad being terrible, it was too tense even when it was empty. Oliver hated it there, it was why he spent most nights in his car, even in the winter.

He sighed softly as he waited outside the gates, he didn't know how to feel about Judas, what to do when he saw him, it'd been too long and he probably hadn't changed. Though his dad had seemed to cool down a bit more since hearing about him coming home, at first he was pissed, like, punch a hole in the wall, break the computer, shatter any innocent vase type pissed, but now he was back to his routine of drinking and coming home mad and going to work in the morning.

He wondered about Logan as he sat waiting in the parking lot. He seemed a little off, it was bugging Oliver to not know what was going on, but it wasn't like he could force Logan to tell him. He noticed the boy had been eating less, constantly wearing long sleeves, the panic attacks, he just worried about him. He wondered if he'd even gotten better after he went to the hospital freshman year. He ran his fingers through his hair. He felt like he was responsible for Logan's wellbeing in a sense, it wasn't right, but he wanted to take care of him, help him, fix everything. But Logan would hate that.

He looked up when he saw his brother, six years older, his hair a little longer than when he was a teen, a little taller too, he looked like more of a man now, but it was definitely still Judas. His brother walked around and Oliver unlocked the door, he didn't smile, there was nothing to be happy about.

"Hey, Squirt, how are you?" He asked, a smile on his face as he ruffled Oliver's locks. Why was he pretending that it'd been mere months instead of years since they'd last talked? Why was he acting like they were even brothers? They were never brothers, not by Oliver's standards anyways.

"I'm fine. Where do you want me to take you?" He asked, his voice monotonous. Judas' smile faltered, but when Oliver spared him a glance, he didn't look mad, he just looked a bit hurt.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" He asked and Oliver shrugged.

"Why would it matter to you?" He asked coldly.

"Because I haven't seen you in six years, excuse me for wanting to spend some quality time with my little broth-"

"We're not brothers." He said, gritting his teeth. Judas nodded a little, his smile fading.

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