Chapter 20

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A/N: Okay, so I had the motivation to write another chapter and now you have been granted the gift of two chapters in two days. I know, I'm a little bit weirded out too, but I started it last night after having two cups of dr. pepper and just started writing. I've been getting into Ricky Montgomery lately, so take this song. Also, don't worry, this is nowhere near finished yet, but I've had another story in the works since probably chapter 10 or 11, I was just wondering if everyone really liked the 'Introductions' chapter with faceclaims for the cast and if I should keep that for the next one, and also, if everyone likes the whole thing I've got going on with the songs. if you guys do, I'll keep it for the next one. Anyways, hope everyone likes this chapter and have a fantabulous day.

Logan sat on his bed in his room playing with the hem of his light green sweater, staring at his fingers as they fiddled with the fabric. He could hear the distant chatter and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas playing loudly downstairs. He wasn't much for parties, and it was mostly family friends and business associates, he only had one pair of grandparents that still wanted anything to do with his dads and they'd left early, he had a few cousins that couldn't make it, and an aunt and uncle that were somewhere downstairs. It wasn't like he didn't want to see them, he just wasn't much one for crowds, his dads were okay with that, they'd only asked that he be down for a bit to greet his relatives and have some food and he did. He'd had a cookie (113), a salad (500), and a few bites of chicken (150?) and he'd talked to his grandparents, his aunt and uncle, and three other of his dad's friends who he didn't really know but it didn't hurt to say hi. After that, he'd retreated into his room and had been sitting there ever since.

He and Sy had been dating for a week, and it was fine, he just didn't know how to feel, he didn't really feel actually, after the excitement had worn down, he'd gone right back to the painfully numb feeling that was taking over his life, the emptiness that he could never seem to be able to shake. He sat for a while, taking out his sketchbook and roughly drawing a boy stuck in a bubble filling with water. He was erasing excess lines and starting on detailing when he heard a knock at his bedroom door, closing his sketchbook quickly before getting up to answer it. Oliver.

"You showed up." Logan said with a small smile and Oliver grinned.

"Yeah, why are you up here all alone? It's Christmas Eve." He said and Logan shrugged a little.

"Guess I'm not much one for holidays." He said.

"Wanna go somewhere?"


"Somewhere." Oliver said, keeping the location secret on purpose. Logan smiled, nodding.



His dads had been fine with him leaving, only telling him to be safe and get home before 12. It was only 9, so they had a few hours before they'd need to head back.

Oliver drove them out to what looked like an opening into the woods, it was dark so he couldn't quite tell, but maybe a hiking trail.

"Alright, be honest, have you secretly been a serial killer this whole time and now you're luring me out into the woods to kill me?" Logan asked with a grin and Oliver chuckled.

"Well according to you, I'm an edgy teen satanist and I'm running a bit late so I had to grab the sacrifice on the go, and I mean, you're not my first pick, but you'll do." He said and Logan giggled.

"Who's your first pick?" Logan asked, getting out and walking into the woods with Oliver

"Well I could tell you..but then I'd have to kill you."

"I though you were already going to do that?"

"If I told you, I'd have to make your death significantly more painful."

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