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The two teams stop what they were doing when they hear All Might announce the beginning of the test. Izuku and Sora just look at eachother before nodding. Katsuki and Izumi do the same before Katsuki starts heading towards the door. "Don't hurt him too bad." She says hoping he doesn't get too reckless. He just scoffs before heading out the door and closing it.

Izuku and Sora were still outside giving the two a few seconds for them to split off. Izuku knew Katsuki would go after him so he had to wait a minute until he knew he had left Izumi by herself. He smirked and looked to Sora before nodding his head. Sora nodded back before she walked up to the side of the building and put her left hand on the wall. She takes a deep breathe before her left eye glows a bright blue for a second and mist starts to come off her left side.

"50% Flash Freeze." As soon as she says that,the whole building starts to freeze over. The inside is filled with small icicles hanging from the ceiling and the floor is covered in a thin layer of ice. Soon the whole building was completely covered in ice.

Everyone in the observation room was shivering except for Shoto and Katsumi for obvious reasons. Izuku was a bit cold but thanks to future planning he was smart enough to add a bit of a heater and cooler installed into his outfit so the weather wont affect him. When Sora was done she put her hand down and let out a breath that was visible due to the cold. Izuku admired her work and let out a whistle.

" *Whistle* Good work Sora this should be enough. All right you ready? Once we seperate we wont be able to talk much until the given time." He asks to make sure she is completely ready. She nods and gives a thumbs up. He smirks before he starts walking in. "Good luck and be careful." He says before he is out of her sight. She just looks at where he went in and gives a concerned look. "You too."

Meanwhile inside the building Katsuki and Izumi were freezing their butts off wondering why it got so cold all of a sudden. Izumi was shivering from head to toe when she remembered who was on Izuku's team. "God damn it Sora." Katsuki thought of the same thing and wondering what exactly was their plan. He shrugged it off and kept moving.

Izuku was walking towards the stairs as he knew that they would be on the top floor. He just needed to hold off or take out Katsuki while Sora took on Izumi. Speaking of whom, just before he can turn a corner Katsuki jumps around the corner aiming an explosion at Izuku's face."I FOUND YOU DEKU!" He says before letting loose an explosion right at Izuku's face. Everyone in the observation didn't like the sneak attack performed by Katsuki. Kirishima was the first one to vocalize his dislike towards it.

"A sneak attack,really? That is so unmanly." Kaminari put his two cents in as well. "Yeah that's not very heroic." Then All Might decided to speak up and shine some light on the subject. "Exactly. At this point in time he is not a hero. He needs to think and act like a villain. So sneak attacks are within their bounds of fair play. Plus a hero has to do sneak attacks as well to get the jump on villains as well."

This made all of them think on that for a moment. He was right. It wasn't really about morals when it came to taking down a villain. A hero has to do whatever is necessary to win the battle and stop them. But they still had to admit,a blast to the face on a classmate is a bit much. But when the smoke cleared they were surprised.

Katsuki wasn't expecting Izuku to dodge his surprise attack or if he did to move out the way in range of his other explosion. What he didn't expect was for him to stay in the same spot with two fingers pushing his hand to the side of his face and his head slightly tilted away from his hand. "Is that all Bakugou? I expected better." He says with a bored look on his face. Everyone that saw this was surprised. He basically deflected an explosion and was acting like it was nothing.

The shadow that protects the lightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora