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Everyone is still at the house celebrating Izuku and Tsu getting into U.A high. The parents ordered pizza and everyone was just having a good time. There was Izuku and Aizawa playing games on the t.v with Izuku getting demolished in Dragon Ball Fighterz. Seriously, when it comes to games Shota Aizawa doesn't mess around. Then there was Momo,Tsu and Emi just talking amongst themselves. The two parents could see the kids giving eachother subtle glances.

Aizawa decides to give his son a nudge. So he gently elbows Izuku in his arm getting his attention. When Izuku looks at him Aizawa gives him a knowing look. Izuku just sighs and tells him to follow him out side so the girls couldn't hear them. Izuku heads outside with Aizawa following behind him. Aizawa gives his wife a look then shifts his eyes to the girls telling her everything she needed to know.  When they are outside Aizawa decides to ask the already answered question.

Aizawa:"So what is it thats got you so distracted?" He said leaning on the handrail.

Izuku:"I think it's time i finally asked them out but i don't know how they will react to me liking both of them." He says a bit nervously thinking of the possible backlash of said question.

Aizawa:"What makes you think they will react badly? They both care about you alot. Hell I wouldnt be surprised if they decided to share you. Your a great kid,and I'm sure that they know how you would feel if you asked them out together. Just go for it and shoot your shot." He says in a fatherly tone.

Izuku just gives him a smile and hugs him. It was a bit weird since while they both know they care for eachother, they don't usually give physical affection like this. A fist bump or a playful hit on the shoulder sure but not a hug. It was very rare but not unwanted.

After a second to calm down from shock, Aizawa just hugs him back with a small smile on his face. They stay like that for a minute before they seperate. Izuku had a smile in hus face before he decided to head inside to get the girls. He thanked Aizawa and went in the house. Upon entry he saw the girls still talking with Emi. He sucked in a breath and walked over to them.

Izuku:"Hey." He says nervously trying to reign in his nerves.

Momo:"Hey Izuku what's up." She says with a warm smile.

Izuku:"I wanted to know if you two could come with me for a bit." He asks.

Tsu:"Sure, but why?" She asks wanting to know the reason behind her best friends request.

Izuku:"I just wanted to talk to you guys in private. So what do you say? I even know a good spot for us to talk." He says getting more and more nervous by the second.

Momo:"I do not see a reason to say no. Let's go." She said excitedly. She had a feeling what was going to happen

Izuku gives them a smile before they all get up and leave. Aizawa and Emi saw the whole thing and knew what he was up to. Aizawa looked at Emi to see she already had a camera out. The two nod to eachother before they leave the house and follow the three kids.

The three walked for about 10 minutes before they reached their destination. The beach that Izuku cleaned up,Dakoba Beach. The two girls were left speechless at the sight in front of them. They always remembered this place as a dump and heard rumors of someone coming to deal with it but someone actually cleaned it. They looked at Izuku and saw a smile on his face. He turned to them and saw the looks on their faces.

He took their hands and brought them to the beach. He looked out to sea for a bit before looking at the girls and saw that he calculated everything just right. The sun was setting, the people that now frequented the beach were gone or leaving and it was a beautiful day with a amall breeze that came every so often. Everything was going according to plan. Now all he had to do was seal the deal. Before he could say anything though Momo had to ask a question.

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