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Bakugou isn't fairing too well against Amaya. Everytime he charges at her she just flicks her wrist and he is sent flying. He has cuts all over his body and looking ready to pop a blood vessel. Meanwhile Amaya is breathing a bit heavily but not enough to say she is tired. Suffice to say Bakugou is struggling and the other two arent doing to well either.

Izumi and Kirishima are sporting a few burns along with a few burns. Shin on the other hand was standing in front of them arms crossed looking a bit bored. After a few seconds he uncrosses his arms and with a wave of his finger he signals them to attack him again. They charge head first at him too try and get somewhere with him. He merely shakes his head and sighs. Kirishima goes for a hardened punch to the face but shin ducked under it and sent a heated palm strike to the stomach. Even though he hardened his stomach it didnt completely protect him from the blow and he was sent back a bit. Izumi jumped over Kirishima going for an axe kick. Shin just caught the kick like it was nothing and looked at her annoyed before throwing her in the opposite direction Kirishima was. The two got up and charged him once again. He sighed once again.

"I wanted a challenge. Not...whatever this is. Cause this is definitely not a fight."

As he says this he steps back a bit to dodge a punch from Izumi and kicks her away. Then ducks under a kick from Kirishima before sweeping his leg from under him making him fall on his back. He raises his leg to give him an axe kick but is sent back with a kick by Izumi. When he recovered he saw green electricity around her. This got his attention real quick.

"My my, I wasnt expecting to see a lightning user here. You realy had me fooled here. Man,and here I thought only the green haired kid and the blonde chick were Lost Arts Users." He said with a smile.

"Lost Arts? What are you talking about? And what does that loser have to do with this?"

His smile slowly fades away as he realizes that he was wrong about her. He sighs before he face palms. Suddenly he starts to emit some heat. Embers slowly circled around him as glares at them. Specifically Izumi.

"I see. So that is just one of those quirks huh? Im done with this little squabble."

This confuses the two thinking he was done fighting them. That he would just let them go. How wrong they were.

"Im ending this now."

Fire shoots from his feet as he launches himself at her. Izumi gets in a stance ready for the second round that is about to commence.


Bakugou,using his explosions as a booster, is currently racing towards Amaya who is seen with her usual blank,unreadable face. She waves her hand in a cutting motion and a blade of wind is sent towards Bakugou intent on cutting him in half. Bakugou seeing this uses an explosion to dodge the incoming attack and continues his charge. Amaya seeing that he is getting used to her attacks decides to take a different approach. She sends wind to her feet and propels herself straight towards Bakugou. Bakugou goes for his usual right hook but she dodge attack and sends a kick to his stomach knocking him back a bit. But she gave him no time to breathe as she rushed towards him and gives him a knee to the face. While mid air she turns her body so she is behind him and sends a kick to the back of his head angled downwards making him crash into the ground.

Bakugou is beyond pissed as he is getting beaten so easily by her. He gets back up and locks eyes with her glaring daggers at her. Veins can be seen on his head as his anger is showing. Meanwhile Amaya is just standing there calmly watching him waiting for him to make a move. Suddenly a loud boom was heard over where the three were. Amaya looks away from Bakugou to see both Izuku and Kiara in the air and a large dust cloud beneath them. She points towards the dust cloud.

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