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Everyone was a bit nervous as they dont know what kind of tasks their teacher will have them do. For some it will be easy,while it will be extremely hard for others. For each student has their own strengths and weaknesses that they must learn of and overcome.

Aizawa:"Now then,it's time to prove your worth. Let the tests begin." He says with a bored tone.

(A/N: Im sorry but I'm only gonna put the squad on these and certain parts from the others. They will be generally the same results with some being a bit better.)


Everyone was doing their best. Tsu went up against Iida and got left in the dust with Iida getting a score of 3.15 seconds. But thanks to having Izuku as an inspiration she managed to make it a bit faster than she normally did. She managed to get 4.06 seconds. A new record.

Tsu:"I really need to thank Izu-chan for helping with my training. Im actually a bit faster on land than before." She said with her usual unreadable face.

Next was Momo vs Izumi. Izumi had a smug look on her face as she went to the starting line. Momo was about to start heading up there but was stopped by Izuku grabbing her hand. He could see the nervous look on her face.

Izuku:"Your gonna do fine. No matter what I will be proud of you." He said in a caring tone.

Momo:"Thanks. Also you sound like my dad." She said in a joking manner at the end.

Izuku:"Would you like some help?" He said with a whisper.

Momo smiles but shakes her head. She wanted to do this without any help. Even if she would be able to get a better result.

Izuku:"Fine. Im sure you'll be able to jet through this track no problem." He said with a smirk.

Momo nods and smirks getting the obvious hint and suggestion. She walks up to the starting line and positions herself in a running position. Izumi just stands there with her hands on her hips. She looks at Momo with her chin up in an attempt to look down on her. Momo just ignores her and focuses on making the device to help her win. Izumi didn't like this and just starts mocking her.

Izumi:"I hope you will be able to make some tissues after this cuz you'll be crying by the time we're done today. I'm sure even Deku will leave your sorry ass once he sees how pathetic you are." She mocks trying to get a rise out of her.

It was uneffective.

Then the robot on the other side of the track says start signalling them to go. Izumi makes herself float and speeds off flying towards the finish line. All the other kids are in awe at her quirk and praise her abilities and how cool it looks. She was just eating it up and enjoying the praise she was getting.

Then she heard the sound of some engine and next thing she knew she was seeing dust. She coughed a bit but kept flying forward and soon she passed the finish line.

Robot: "Yaoyorozu's score 3.58 seconds. Yagi's score 4.32 seconds." The robot said.

This gained a confused look from Izumi as she knew she started before her yet she managed to get in front of her in an instant. When she looked at her she saw Momo huffing a bit but overall ok. She then looked at her shoes and gapped at them seeing not her school shoes but what looked like rocket boots of some sort. She didn't even know how she did it. But then she remembered that she can create almost anything. This made her mad beyond a doubt but she swallowed it and went back to her group.

Then came Izuku and Katsuki. The two walked up to the starting line ready to begin their run. Izuku takes off his jacket and throws it in the air above him and waits for the startimg signal. The robot is about to say go when Izuku throws his phone towards the finish line. This left almost everyone very confused. Momo,Tsu,Sora,and Aizawa knew what he was doing.

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