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As we look inside the Aizawa household we see Izuku sitting on the floor on his knees with two woman standing over him, both with angry looks on their faces. Aizawa was sitting on the couch watching the whole thing while eating popcorn.

Momo:"Do you realise how reckless that was. You could have gotten hurt or worse killed." She says with concern as she could only imagine how she would feel if he actually died.

Izuku:"But hey I'm alive and well, not to mention I was able to save Tsu's life. You dont have to worry about me, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself." He says trying to dig himself out of the hole he's in.

Emi:" True but if that villain was stronger than you what what will you do then? We just don't want to see you on the news as the kid who got killed trying to save someone." She says with worry and fear as the thought of seeing such an image would crush her.

Izuku just sighs before getting up and giving them both a hug which they return in kind. They stay like that for a minute before they release eachother from their hug. After that they just talked for a while until Momo had to leave for home. Before she left Izuku gave Momo one more hug. When they seperated Izuku started heading home but was stopped by Momo who was holding his sleeve. When he turned around Momo gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before getting in the car and her chauffeur driving off.

Izuku was just standing there looking dumbfounded with a hand on the cheek that Momo kissed. He shakes his head to push down the blush and head inside. When he gets inside the house he looks at Aizawa and gives him a serious look one that Aizawa knew all too well.

Izuku:"I have ten months before the entrance exam comes around. I need you to amp up my training so that i am ready." He says with a serious tone.

Aizawa:"Dont you think your ready enough as it is. Your more than ready for the written part of the test and you have the skill and the strength for the practical portion of it as well. Dont you want to take it easy for a while."He says narrowing his eyes seeing if he would take the bait.

Izuku:"As much as it pains me to say it, Mr. Yagi was right about one thing. My power as it is now would be nothing to him. I need to get stronger so that I can show them how much stronger I became without them. I also need it so that I can protect everyone and make them feel safe even if my abilities look scary to most." He says with a look of determination on his face.

Aizawa, who was about ready to beat Izuku into the ground if he gave the wrong answer,relaxes and gives off a small smile as he now knows that his kid will do great things in the future.

Aizawa:"Good answer kid. Alright I'll set something up for you. Actually,I know just the thing. We'll go out tomorrow morning, same time as usual." He says with a smile.

Come the next morning and we see both Izuku and Aizawa heading toward the training spot. When they arrive at their destination they see what looks to be a beach. The only problem is the large amounts of trash that litters it. From simple candy wrappers and old newspapers to full on trucks and refrigerators. What's worse was the smell that came from the illegal garbage dump. A bird was flying over the dump when it fell unconscious from the smell alone. It was that bad.

Izuku:"Ok so why are we here. I thought you said we would be training so i would be ready for the exam,not be put in a coma until the exam." He says covering his nose trying not to puke up his stomach.

Aizawa:"The word hero has lost its true meaning over time. A hero back then would mean someone who did good for others simply out of the kindness of their heart. Now all they care about is how flashy they are and the villains they take down. Im not gonna have you be put in the same category as them."He says not even looking at Izuku but staring at the trash heap in front of him.

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