Happy Birthday Izuku

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Today is July 15 20xx. The sky was perfectly clear with little to no clouds for miles. There was a gentke breeze that cooled off the denizens of Japan. One boy in particular is seen sleeping in his bed perfectly comfortable and peac-

"Wakey wakey my little broccoli child!!!"

That peace was interrupted by his mom who barged into his room slamming his door open. This resulted in hum jumpimg out of bed in fright. He looked around and saw his mother standing in the door frame with a wide smile on her face. He sighed in relief knowing that everything was fine. He walks over to her and just gently pushes her out.

"No yelling and no slamming doors. Mr. Aizawa is probably still asleep. So your shouldnt be making so much noise. Now try again."

With that he closes the door and goes back into his bed. Then he hears a knock on his door. He a smile he lets out a "come in" with Emi returning to her sons room. She had a pout on her face and her arms were crossed under her chest.

"I swear your just like your father." She says shredding a fake tear.

Izuku just chuckles a bit before going to give her a hug which she reciprocates whole heartedly. Eventually the two release eachother and Emi looks at Izuku with a smile which quickly went into a look of shock.

"Oh, I almost forgot Momo and Tsu said they wanted to meet you at the park. Said something about playing with you all day."

This puts a wide smile on the little boys face. He quickly goes to his dresser to get some clothes for the day. Luckily today was a Saturday which meant no school. He gets a pair of black shorts and a yellow All Might t-shirt with 'Plus Ultra' written on the back. He goes to the bathroom to do his morning routine and get dressed. Emi just watched this with a smile on her face before going to check on the food that she had prepared. Soon the little boy has arrived downstairs making a bee-line to the front door but stops in his tracks by Emi.

"And where do you think your going young man?"

"Um outside."

"Not without eating breakfast first. Now go and sit at the table and I will be there as soon as I get your father up." With that she makes her way to the stairs only to see Aizawa already making his way down.

"Im already up. Kinda had to stay asleep when your being so loud." He says letting out a yawn afterwards followed by a tired glare.

"Sorry sweetheart but you have to eat. Otherwise you'll get even more cranky than you already are now." She lets out a giggle.

Aizawa just lets out a groan before he heads to the table to eat. As soon as he sits down he puts his head down on the table. His hair spread out around him. Emi just shakes her head before going before heading to one of the kitchen counters and grabs a pillow that they keep down there just in case Aizawa is too tired. She grabs it and brings it back by the side of her head.

"Heads." She says before throwing it like a frisbee at Aizawa's head. He simply just raises his head a bit before putting down and it lands on the pillow perfectly in the middle. Izuku just stars at this as he still wonders how he does this.

'He wasnt even looking. How did he know when to put his head down?'

His thoughts are broken by a plate of food being set in front of him. He thanks Emi for the food and happily digs in. After he finishes he sees Aizawa with his head still down but the food on his plate is gone. Izuku was about to say something but he decides not to question it. He heads to the door and puts on his shoes. He looks back to bid his care takers fare well.

"Bye Ms. Emi, Mr. Aizawa." With that he runs out closing the door behind him. If he had looked back a second before closing the door he would have seen Aizawa pick his head up with a smile on his face.

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