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As soon as Izuku got inside and closed the door he was met with a very excited mother practically running towards him. He was half expecting this since he told her about the heroics 101 class, just not what was going to happen since even he didnt know.

"Hey sweety, soooo how did it go? Did you have fun? Did you see any new possible rivals? Did you kick butt? Come on,tell me, tell me, tell me." She said with the energy of a 10 year old going to Disney World for the first time. He just chuckled a bit at her antics before answering.

"It was fine. You could say it was fun. There are a few potential rivals in my sights. And you know I kicked butt." He said in quick succession as he has done this before.

She has always been a ball of energy especially when she started making jokes. She would constantly talk in a fast pace with quick succession of each sentence without missing a beat. It got to the point where it became too hard for others to understand her. In the end he caught her super speed rambling and got his extreme muttering habit from it. Helps him think, but makes him look super weird if your not used to it. A true double edged sword for his social life if he ever saw one.

"Well thats great to hear sweety. Your father said he had to do some patrol's around the city so its just gonna be you and me for tonight." She said getting a bit closer with a smirk on her face.

Izuku gains a smirk of his own. "Oh really?" By now Emi is right in front of him and the two are staring at eachother intensively.

"So what would like first? A bath...dinner...or..." She says letting the last part hang there for a bit knowing that Izuku would understand what she would say next. Which he did, as Izuku just crossed his arms and tilted his head a bit.

"You already know the answer to that. Let me get changed." He said making Emi's smirk grow a bit more.

It was 10:00 at night and Shota was just getting into the door. With a yawn he loudly says "Im home." to get the attention of his family. But he doesn't get a responce of any kind. When he walks into the living room his eyes widen for a bit. He had no words for what he saw except "every time." He says with a sigh and facepalmed.

In the living room on the couch was both Izuku and Emi. Both asleep with Izuku laying on top of her with his head on her chest and their arms wrapped around eachother. The TV was still on with a random old Disney movie(cuz we all know the old Disney movies were far better) playing in the background. There was popcorn and an empty 2 liter soda bottle laying on the floor next to them. Shota just gave a small smile before getting a blanket and putting it over them both. As he was leaving he saw something and looked at Izuku before looking at Izuku with a wicked smirk on his face.

Izuku is waking up and looking around wondering where he is as he isnt in his room. He then realizes that he is in his living room and that he's on the couch with his mom under him. He also noticed the popcorn and soda bottle on the floor and remembered why he was there. Just as he was about to lay back down he got a text from his dad.

It was a picture of him laying on Emi with with a blanket on them. He then got a second message in the same thread by Momo and that made him realize that he was in a group chat with the three. Then another text from Tsu. Both talking about how cute it was. He could stop traffic with how red his face got from blushing so hard. He then looked at the time and saw that it was 7:30. Which made him realize that he needed to get ready for school and fast.

So he got up and rushed to the bathroom and do his daily routine. When he got out he saw more texts coming in from the group chat. He ignores it for now and continues to get dressed. When he is finished he heads into the bathroom to make sure he didnt look weird before he left out. He looked in the mirror and several tick marks appeared on his face. What he saw was his face with marker drawings of glasses a moustache and a little top hat on the very top of his forehead. How it managed to survive a shower and him washing his face he would never know. What he did know was who did it and now he had to make them pay for this. He scrubbed it off and went outside and saw his dad with a shit eating grin.

The shadow that protects the lightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora