First Christmas With The Aizawa's

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Hey guys Its Natsu and Merry Christmas to all of you. If you dont celebrate Christmas then...well...Happy Holidays I guess. Anyway im feeling really generous today and like the damn CHAD that I am i pulled this chapter out along with the previous one just for you guys. It took me a while for this because I wanted to post these on Christmas day so here you go.

It was christmas eve. All the adults were out getting their last minute shopping done and the Aizawa's were not different. Specifically Emi Aizawa. She was a shopping machine. Going from one store to the other in frantic successions. Getting a bunch of things from wrapping paper to food for dinner. Even though she was a hero her agency knew she had a kid and let her off for the day. She really owed them one. It was early in the morning around 9 in the morning meaning that Izuku was still at school. She wanted everything done by the time he came home. She planned to give him the best christmas ever. She was throwing a big party with all of Izuku's friends, aka Momo and Tsu. By the time she was done she it was almost 12 and she rushed home in her car. When sje gets home she grabs the bags from the back seat of her car before stopping and questioning something.

"Wait. I know I was speeding at least a good 20 over the speed limit. How did not one cop stop me? Then again should I care?......Fuck it not caring. Wait how the hell did I not crash?....Questions for later."

She gets inside, closes the door and heads straight for the living room. She sees Aizawa laying on the couch asleep. She goes to him and coos at how peaceful he looks....

Before dumping all of the toys and wrapping paper on him.

He jolts up wondering what happened before looking at Emi and the stuff on the floor that he just knocked down. He then looks back at Emi. He narrowed his eyes a bit at her. She just smiles sweetly then makes a mad dash for the kitchen to start on the cooking. He sighs before looking at the pile of toys and other things that was half his height. He then cracked his neck and within minutes they were all done. When Emi got out of the kitchen she saw Aizawa laying back on the couch asleep. She groans before seeing the toys already wrapped and her eyes widen.


Aizawa just opens one eye before closing it. "I have a capture gear that works around the same principle as wrapping paper. I even use it without hands at times against villains while moving all over the place. This was nothing."

Emi just stared at him for a bit then returned to her cooking. Meanwhile Izuku was at school doing his work. It was easy thanks to the tutoring from Emi and sometimes Aizawa. He was known as the childhood genius but never let it get to his head. Not like it could when A. he has Aizawa making sure that he doesn't get to too deal with-

"Hey Deku."

Katsuki and his group walk towards him. Izuku does a small sigh before looking up at them. "Y-yes Katsuki. How can I help you?" He asks with a slightly stutter.

"Yeah so its christmas  and I wanted to be nice and give you a gift." He walks over to him with a chilling smirk that sends Izuku into a panic. He puts his hand on Izuku's shoulder and smoke starts coming off meaning he is burning his shirt. "But I can't give it to you here. How about after school. That way I can make sure that your reaction is genuine okay." With that he lets go amd walks away with the others doing so as well. Sora looked back at him with a sorrowfull look before walking back to him and using her ice half to cool off his shoulder. She then gave him a hug "Merry Christmas Izu." She said and with that she left.

Izuku had a small smile on his face. And went back to work. Momo and Tsu came in the classroom right after. They saw the look on Izuku's face and knew something was wrong. They went up to him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched a bit and looked to them then  slightly relaxed. He sighed then put up a fake smile. One that they catch right away. "H-Hey guys whats up?" The two girls look at eachother then at their childhood crush.

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