Chapter 19

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Izuku and the group made their way to the stands with the others, luckily not running into Katsuki, and sat down next to their friends. Everyone can see that something was wrong as Izuku was pretty pissed and the others were quite shaken up. "Hey, did something happen? You all look like you've been through it." Izuku looks at Kaminari, who said that and just looks back at the arena. "Nothing. Don't worry about it." The others just looked down as the others looked at them even more in concern. 'They can not know about what happened with the Yagi's. It could cause a massive commotion in the school if word got out about him doing that. Not only that, but if it got to the news, a massive scandal could rise from it. For now, i'll keep it to myself, and I'm sure the others are thinking the same thing. Maybe we can use it as blackmail, who knows?' He looks to Momo and the others, and they all nod their heads as if they knew what he was thinking. He nods back and looks back to the field to see Katsuki and Kiara walking to the stage. He must have been in his own head so much that he didn't hear them get announced. Some of the guys were cheering for Katsuki while the girls were rooting for Kiara. 

Speaking of the two, Katsuki had a cocky smirk on his face as he cracked his knuckles. Kiara looked as monotone as usual. She stood tall as she watched Katsuki stretch a bit. "You ready to lose light show?" Kiara said nothing, annoying the walking nuke. "What's the matter, scared? If you drop out now, you won't have to face such a pitiful loss." Still nothing in response from Kiara. Katsuki growls in anger as he makes sparks fly from his hands. "You were talking a lot of shit before, and all of a sudden, you decide to be quiet when we're about to fight. I knew you were all bark. Now I'm gonna shut you up for good." Midnight raises her hand in the air, asking if the two students were ready. Katsuki smiles as he makes more sparks while Kiara just nods in silence. Midnight swings her hand down, striking the platform with her whip. "Begin."

Katsuki explodes towards her like a rage fueled rocket. Kiara calmly watches as he quickly makes his way to her. He raises his hand to above him and swings it down at her in a quick right hook. A large explosion shakes the ground as smoke covers that side of the arena. Everyone looks in anticipation as Katsuki jumps back, smiling and admiring his handy work. "How was that you damn flashlight." Katsuki stands triumphant as he looks at the dissipating smoke, only for there to be nothing there. No Kiara or anything, almost as if she wasn't there to begin with. Everyone is confused, and just like Katsuki, they quickly start looking around to find her. I looked all around the arena and saw nothing but air. All but one is confused as to her location. Momo and Tsu look to Izuku, who is staring at the sky. When they look up, they see her gliding downward slowly while having her hands placed together as if she were praying. She opens her hands, and a small white orb floats in between them. She places her left  hand forward and grabs her wrist with her right hand, and the orb glows brighter. The crowd looks up at the light above and finally notices her as she fires off her attack.

"Holy Ray!"

A flurry of white arrow like projectiles rush downward towards Katsuki, who tries to dodge to the best of his ability. He shoots out mini explosions to boost himself in different directions, but a few projectiles manage to land hits on different parts of his body. Present Mic is out of his seat as he announces the display before him. "What incredible power! In just one move, she's nearly covered the entire arena in her attack and putting Bakugou on the evasive!" As Katsuki was dodging the attacks as best as he can, one hits his leg, causing him to stumble, leading to many more projectiles hitting him. Getting angry at his situation, he raises his hand and launches a massive explosion into the sky, destroying the arrows and making Kiara stop firing. Katsuki lets out a huff as he gets on his feet. He looks up with anger as he mentally assessed the damage he took from the attack.

"Nothing seems to be broken, just a few scrapes and bruises. She must have held back so as not to hurt me too bad. I can at least tell that considering the attacks I saw her use against that monster in the USJ. I'm gonna make her regret underestimating me." He clenches his fists and snarls as he continues looking at the sky. The smoke cleared to show that she once again vanished. Katsuki growls as a vein shows itself in his forehead before yelling into the sky. "Stop hiding you fucking coward and face me head on, or are you just scared to come at me directly!" He then felt a tap on his right shoulder. Without missing a beat he swings his right arm back and fires off an explosion. He looks back and sees nothing again. "Is this a part of your quirk turning invisible. It's no better than the other weakling in our class. The only difference being you know how to actually shut the fuck up." The crowd heard a 'fuck you' come from the stands where the students were sitting and a few people giggled a bit. "She is more of a social person than i am. But i also feel there is more to her loud demeanor than meets the eye which could explain her hyper behavior." Katsuki looks to the side and sees her standing nonchalantly, arms crossed as if she isn't  in the middle of a fight. "Who fucking cares about that. All im interested in is showing you where you stand between us and that's-"

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