Chapter 3

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One year has passed and Izuku gets up getting ready for school. As much as he liked school he couldn't deal with the constant bullying. He was happy about one thing though, his friends Momo and Tsu are gonna be with him at school. He couldn't wait for school as he loved hanging with them.

When he got up he felt like something was wrong. Nothing was out of place in his room and he doesn't have any pain. He just pushes it out of his mind and does his usual morning routine. He goes downstairs to the kitchen and grabs an apple from the fridge. As he's leaving he hears his mom coming down the stairs in her night gown(A/N: I should also tell you that this is skinny Inko almost forgot, my bad.)

She sees Izuku and gives him a smile and waves. Red flag is put up immediately. She has never noticed him until now much less smiled and waved to him. He doesnt want to be mean to her so he just gave a forced smile and waved back. As he's turning around to leave she hears a sigh and his mother mumbling something. He couldnt get the whole thing just a few words, "It's...time...lets...started...out". He couldn't understand what she was talking about so he just pushed it to the back of his head and went to school.

When he got to school he started looking for Momo and Tsu. When he didnt see them he figured they were running a bit late for school so he went to class. Upon getting to class he went to his seat and got ready for class. He was starting to get sleepy so he put his head down and took a nap. He was woken up by someone poking him. He looked up to see Momo and Tsu looking at him.

Momo: "Wakey wakey sleepy head."

Tsu: "Its time for class to start"

Izuku gives them a smile that makes them blush a bit, but they push it down and get to their seats as the teacher comes in and class starts. Momo took his left while Tsu took his right. Ever since they came to school the three were always together which made the other kids call them "the Izusquad".

School finally ends and Izuku couldn't help but feel nervous for some reason. He could feel a sense of incoming sadness and it bothered him. The dark thoughts didn't help him either, as they kept saying a bunch of words, with the most common one's being







He just figured it was from the neglect from his family over the past year. They just excluded from everything to the point where they dont even bother to feed him anymore. He managed to learn how to cook for himself with a bit blood, sweat, tears, and more blood, as he cut his fingers alot.

He was about to head home but was stopped by the "bakugou gang". They always bother him after school so they won't get in trouble. Not like they would if they did in school anyway. The principal walked in on their bullying and did nothing, just kept walking. Izuku knows he saw us because they made eye contact before he walked away.

Katsuki walked over to Izuku with his usual cocky smirk,but Izuku just has a bored look on his face. Bakugou stood there trying to see if there would be any sort of reaction from the broccoli boy. A reaction he never got. This annoyed him as he thinks Izuku is stepping out of line again.

Katsuki: "So you still dont know your place huh Deku? Dont worry like i said before I'll remind you whenever it's needed."

Izuku: "I'm just so used to your bullying that it doesn't bother me anymore. So im just waiting for the name calling and the few punches you always give me so i can just go home." He says in a bored tone.

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