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In the proctors booth the teachers were still slackjawed at the power that was just presented to them. Momo,Kiara,and Nezu were the only ones not too surprised. Aizawa was surprised, but not as surprised as the others. He was more surprised at the fact that he didnt know about that move. The first person to speak was All Might of all people.

All Might:"SOOOOOO. THAT JUST HAPPENED." He says trying to come to terms with reality.

Aizawa:"Did I or did I not tell you that he could handle it?" He says giving all of them a smug grin.

Nezu:"That you did Aizawa. I'm impressed though, I didn't expect that to come from your boy Aizawa. You really had a great kid." He says not knowing Izuku was adopted.

Aizawa:"Actually he's not mine." He says with his usual dull voice.

Nezu:"Really now. I wonder who would be foolish enough to leave a kid like that."He says not noticing a flinch from All Might and Esper.

Aizawa:"Yeah I wonder."He discreetly takes a quick glance at the two parents.

Kiara:"His heroic feats aren't done yet, look." She says sternly.

Everyone looks at the monitors but doesnt see anything. That is until All Might notices that one of the zero pointers that comes out was not in sight. He looks more until he sees the zero pointer on the other side of the testing site.

All Might:"WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED TO THE ZERO POINTER IN GROUND DELTA?! He asks wondering how it got destroyed.

Kiara:"Simple he made a clone to deal with it." She says in boredom.

Esper:"A...clone? But that cant be. Cloning someone is something from the olden era before quirks." She says in disbelief.

Kiara:"Believe it or not is up to you,but if you paid close attention you would see him making a clone to help him carry the other person to safety."

Nezu:"She's right you know. He did make a clone of himself. In fact why dont we rewind the footage of what happened to the regular zero pointer."He says with his usual smile.


In ground Delta the zero pointer was causing a bit of chaos for the test takers. Everyone was running for their lives as the zero pointer got closer and closer. Some even pushed others to the ground to get away from it. But one girl wasn't running. More like she couldn't run. Her legs were stuck under some rubble and no one was listening to her cries for help. What made it worse was she was in the way of the zero pointer. So if no one came to help her she would be flat as a pancake by the end of the day.

She could feel the rumbling of the ground getting stronger and stronger by the second. She looked back and saw that it was very close as she could see the actual robot itself and not just an image from the dust it created. She closed her eyes and cried out one more time for her savior to come save her.


Suddenly something black was seen by the other participants as it came and swooped her up. She could feel arms holding her close. She opened her eyes and a teary eyed smile formed on her face. Her savior came for her just like he said he would.

Tsu:"You came."She said with delight as her crush did what he said he would.

Izuku:"I told you didn't I. I will come for you whenever you call for me." He said with a smile on his face as he puts her down and looks back at the zero pointer.

He can already see many differences between this one and the one from his site. It was green and very bulky. It also had no weapons so it was made just to cause panic within the participants. He started walking forward towards the zero pointer with a serious look on his face ignoring the shouts of protests from the others. Soon he gave off a dark aura before he jumped into the air towards the zero pointer. He brought his fist back before he gave the machine a strong punch with all of the strength he had. It was strong enough to send it flying to the other side of the exam site.

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