Chapter 18 - Weekend Holiday at Resort

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" Hi, Sorry for late update , I was occupied with so many things.....


Here we go!!!!!!

So the day comes when Kiara and Mr Walton leaves for Ethan's opening of resort "The Paradise".

The resort was out of the city only, so William himself was driving. They have packed up their clothes for three days trip. So he was driving and Kiara puts on some music and started dancing in the car, William was surprised to know her this side too! She asks him what happened? He says nothing just loving your this side too. 

She asks him wait a minute what do you mean ?? Loving it too??

 He says nothing and keeps on driving the car. After one hour of journey they reach at the resort. 

They both come out of the car and the valley parker takes the keys from William and then they go inside. They were welcomed by Ethan inside the reception of the resort, He got very happy at seeing them both together. They hug each other, Soon Rosy joins them and Ethan introduces her to Kiara and William that she is his fiancee. Kiara greets her and hugs her and tells her , its so nice to meet you Rosy. Ethan tells Rosy that Kiara is William's girlfriend , William held Kiara very warmly like she was a light feather because he really gets happy when Ethan calls her his girlfriend, So it was a kind of gesture of love towards her that you are mine and I am gonna protect you!! 

OOOOO Isn't it like a fairy tale, your prince charming always around you like a protecting shield!!!

Okay lets come back to the story.

So after meeting with Rosy, Kiara and William goes to room given to them , to have some rest since it was almost evening, Ethan tells them to accompany at dinner tonight . They both reach to their room actually it was a beautiful Villa, as soon as they enter , Kiara quickly jumps on the bed like a kid. William just started laughing loudly at her action. Kiara looks back at him and gets up and moves closer to him and speaks , you look so beautiful when you smile that way, Mr Cold Walton!! He picks her up and throws her on the bed and they share few passionate kisses, both breathless and breaking the kiss they speak at same time, I Love You!! They smile and kiss again , this it was a deep long kiss, like claiming each other and lastly hug softly. 

Soon it was night and they have to join Ethan for dinner. They get up and freshen up!

They come down to the dinner hall, Ethan had already arranged the table and dinner for them. Rosy was already sitting there, Kiara goes to her and compliments her that she is looking very pretty. They sit down and started with drinks. Rosy offered drink to Kiara but William stopped her by saying that she really cannot have that, she does not drink. Rosy gets surprised and tells him oh man from where do you get that angel ?? Kiara blushes upon hearing such beautiful words from her. William puts his hand on her thighs to show her affection. They started their dinner , the dishes were all delicious and yummy, they talked about how Ethan and Rosy met and got engaged. Rosy asks Kiara what does she do? She tells her she is a post grat student, Rosy was surprised and just joked is William dating a innocent student? William does not say anything. Ethan added oh my friend is not that old Rosy, Kiara is five years younger to him. Rosy compliments them that you both look good together and the chemistry between you guys is amazing, True Love birds fallen for each other madly. William and Ethan talked about business and the girls chatted about the next day plans, Ethan suggested to have breakfast tomorrow with them only and later on at night the resort inauguration party. William tells him perfect then see you tomorrow. The dinner was over the girls were almost full that Ethan suggested them to grab some ice creams over the counter, both Rosy and Kiara rushed to grab ice creams. William asks him what was that? were you giving kids the lollies? 

Ethan tells him , I wanted to speak to you about something so I kind of send them off. William glares at him with a surprise , Ethan tells him oh dude nothing to worry about, I just wanted to tell you that the Jones will be coming too so I hope you do not mind? William tells him oh my dear friend I know you have invited them for business relations so do not get nervous, I am absolutely fine with it, even I could. not avoid them at my party. Ethan relaxes but tells him to b cautious about Bethany, she might come up with evil tricks to separate you with Kiara. William tells him I am actually worried about this only, I will never let her harm my love, Ethan suggested him to hire a private detective who can keep an eye on Bethany and Albert and he will also update him every important information, William agrees to his idea and Ethan straight away calls a person and tells him everything and shares some photos with him. William asks him whom were you calling? He replies Sam, he is a private detective , very efficient in his work I told him everything and shared some information, He will contact you tomorrow you can speak to him about everything. Look you are my child hood friend and we have seen each other growing as a kid and professionally as well and we help each other in everything possible so I want to see my friend happy with his love always. 

William hugs him and gets overwhelmed, Soon the girls shows up with their ice creams and they asks them what serious conversation were they having behind their back? They both smile and laughs oh well we were just talking about our college crushes. Upon hearing Kiara gives a look to William, Is it ? Let us also hear then. They all smile and had a great time together.


A small chapter since i want to start new chapter with next day details only, stay tuned it will be fun.



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