Chapter 36- Status: Unknown

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I nearly dropped my phone. "What? How is she now? I'll be there in five. Hold on!"

I grabbed my bag before rushing out of the office. She could be in a coma, or in the intensive care unit, or worse, she could be... I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts away.

'Please, to any gods or angels listening to this prayer, please let her be alright. I'm willing to exchange her health for anything, even my own happiness,' I prayed repeatedly in my heart. I couldn't bear the thought of something bad happening to Airi. I was terrified, I had no idea what my life would be if I had lost her.

I hopped onto a taxi, pleading the driver to speed up with every passing second. I felt the anxiety contributing to the water in my eyes. My heart was beating so hard, it actually hurt my chest a little.

In less than ten minutes, I reached Hospital Henien. I paid the driver a fifty before getting off of the car. After all, I did rush him like crazy. I ran to the nurses, trying to get to Airi's room as fast as I could. They pulled out a form, asking to fill up all the information needed. While I was frustrated, I kept my composure (I mean, it's been falling apart.), trying to fill in all the blank spaces.

Fortunately for me, Vastel rescued my ass from having to sign the form by showing up in the waiting area.

"Oh, he can come with me, I wanted to see him," he told the nurses. "He can fill out the form later."

I followed him down the hall, not knowing what to expect. We stopped in front of a room with two beds inside. He urged, "Go on."

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I took a step in to find that my best friend was covered in bandages and in a coma. I looked at her terrible state, the guilt of leaving her alone rise from my stomach. I felt the tears I had been holding in for the longest time start to fall.

"I'm sorry, Airi," I grabbed her lifeless bandaged hand, apologizing to her. "It was my fault, I shouldn't have prioritised that dumbass over you. You were so drunk. I was so drunk. You wouldn't forgive me, right? I'm sorry."

Through my sniffles and waterfall of tears, somehow, I heard a familiar snicker. I shot up and looked at the door. Airi stood there, smiling, with a casted arm and holding her connected IV bag. Holding back her laughter, she teased, "C'mon, continue what you were saying. I wanna listen to it."

I buried my face into my hand, "Gods damn this. If you are here, who is this?"

She shrugged, "How am I supposed to know? I got here like this morning. This dude has been laying here for the past three days."

She slowly walked back to her bed. I ran my hand through my hair, "Then, where were you?"

"The toilet."

At that point, I was already embarrassed to death. I looked at her, dead in the eyes, "You saw nothing, alright? I only got here, and you are only seeing me now. Got it?"

Suppressing her laughter, she nodded and made a mocking hum. I looked away, mumbling, "I was worried to death, you idiot."

"Aw, you were worried for me? That's so cute."

"Shut up, you could have died!"

"But here I am! See, I'm fine."

"Yeah, yeah, the hell is Vastel? He could have at least told me that you weren't here."

"Oh, I met him on the way back. He was the one who told me that you were here."

"Of course he did. Also, he saved my time at the receptionist. Literally swooped in and rescued my butt."

"Oh, please, anyone would rescue your cute ass."

"Yeah, yeah, just tell me why you didn't contact me when you got into the hospital? Did you tell Adro?"

"Yeah, I told her. And I also told her not to tell anyone."

"I looked for you like crazy!"

"You shouldn't have. But, thanks."

After that, we both sat and giggled about how Vastel looked strange in a white coat. It wasn't long until the question as to why Airi had gotten into a car accident.

"About that," she rubbed her chin. "It's a weird story. You see, I thought I saw the woman who looked extremely similar to your brother this morning."  

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