Chapter 44- Ight, Imma Head Out

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Let me just tell you that nothing is worse than your boss just being in the same room as you are. The anxiety and pressure is enough to kill ten strong humans to be honest.

"Your performance is quite disappointing lately, Mr. Senikos," Adro decided to go straight to the point with no filter at all. "While I understand that you friend, Miss Airi Venature, is in the hospital, I expected you to be more professional than this."

I looked down apologetically, I could feel sweat rolling down from my face, I rubbed my right pointer finger to cope with the fear.

"However," she said, before sighing, "Mr. Kaiser still wants you at the HQ, since all the work you produced are unique. You have talent, and I can't argue with that. Being professional is hard, and I understand that. But, you are at work, letting your emotions get the better of you and letting them affect your productivity isn't beneficial to both you and the company."

She leaned back into her office chair, "I hope I see improvement in your performance, or I will have to speak to Mr. Kaiser and suggest him to reconsider having you at the HQ."

I shifted uncomfortably, cold chills shot through my body as she stood up.

"They are very competitive there, I hope you realise that going to HQ means you would need more focus in your work than this," she patted my shoulder lightly, and proceeded to walk towards the door.

She placed her hand on the door knob, "Work harder today, the only person with high expectations isn't just me."

"Yes, ma'am," I croaked.

"You may resume to your work now," she opened the door swiftly.

I walked out, making my way back to my desk, still feeling her hard stare on my neck.


A bad taste in my mouth never left throughout my entire day, even when I was working my ass off. While work was a good escape from all my life problems, things don't last forever. It was once again time to leave the heaven I'd never thought I would call −── my workplace.

I checked my phone, to be face with the depressing reality of Airi not wanting to speak to anybody. I dialled the number I never thought I would dial at a time like this.

"Vastel, when is your work ending? Let's meet up, I kinda need your help," I said as soon as the call was picked up.

Instead of the voice with a subtle French accent answering, I got someone totally unexpected. (Ha, what are the odds, am I right? I wish.)

"Tolmer?" the confused voice of Luzien came through the other end instead. His voice sent me into full panic mode, it felt like somebody dumping several litres of cold water on my head.

"Um, is Vastel there? I just want to talk to him," I said, forcing my voice to sound calmer than I was. I wasn't strong enough to face Luzien yet.

"Oh," disappointment was leaking from that simple sound of his reply. "He went to the bathroom. He'd be back soon."

"I see, tell him to call me back, please. Tell him it's urgent. Thanks," I rushed what I wanted say. I didn't want another second alone with him, the fear that I could hurt him overwhelmed me.

'He avoided you this morning to protect himself,' my brain whispered.

"I'm gonna hang up now," I told him.

"Wait!" he cried, stopping me from ending the call, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

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