Chapter 75- New Land, Immediate Problems

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  "Take care, alright?" Airi gave me an awkward one-handed hug, being extremely careful not to hit me with her clutches. "Thanks for sticking around."

"I should be thanking you. You were the one who followed me all the way here," I squeezed her tight.

"It's not like it's not worth it. I would rather stick with you forever than be in Cluzuvile for the rest of my life. It was a willing risk. So, you know, if you do miss me, you can always crash at my place. I'm pretty sure the landlady would already have rented out your place."

"Yeah, I know where to go if I'm ever back here alone. Don't worry."

"I'll try to go Tazania as soon as possible, alright? Until then, Samson can be your friend for a while."

"I'll be waiting," I smiled. Taking a deep breath, I realised that I would miss the way her hair smelled and the way it tickles my face when she didn't tie it up. I pressed into the hug, not caring if my glasses pushed into the bridge of my nose.

We pulled away, even though the both of us know we would never know when the next time we physically see each other.

"You ready? The moving company already left," Luzien walked down from the stairs, with a boxed Samson in his hands (Okay, I didn't trust the moving company with him, alright?). "Do you want to maybe talk to your neighbours the last time?"

"Nah, I don't know them that well. We don't talk," I shrugged, Luzien held my hand, adjusting boxed Samson's position.

"Where's Vastel, Lulu? I don't see him," Airi looked around.

"He came with Cebario earlier, but they left. Don't worry about them. Let's go, I'll send you home, Airi," he said, leading us to a very fancy black limousine.

"Wait, if you also own this, where is your Ferrari? How is this even here?" Airi clutched onto Luzien's sleeve, wanting an explanation.

He turned to her and gave her a teasing smile, "I'm rich, remember? Now go on in, we should get going."

The chauffer opened the door for us, taking Samson from Luzien's hands, and also proceeding to help Airi into the car (? What does a limousine counted as?).

Breezy air-conditioning blew onto my face the moment I stepped in. Soft fuzzy gray rug was under my shoes, I was almost tempted to take my shoes off in order not to dirty it. The white leather seats were decorated with pillows in multiple solid colours and some protection cover cloth. Trust me when I say there is a seat everywhere.

Airi carefully placed herself beside me. "So, this is a limo, huh? I thought there'd be neon lights like in those movies. I mean, it does have tinted windows, so that makes sense. Oh, you know those compartments with drinks and stuff? Low-key was thinking about those kinda stuff, not gonna lie."

"Well, I'm here to tell you that, it does have every function you think it doesn't," Luzien slipped in, receiving Samson who was returned. He slid to my right, trapping me in between both him and Airi, setting Samson down beside him. He pointed upwards to reveal a control panel.

The limo started to move. The bickering on both of my side still continues.

"Lulu, seriously? I literally can't stand without my clutches and they are in the trunk. Let me remind you, because if it wasn't obvious, I'm too short," Airi face palmed.

Luzien sighed, "Yeah, yeah, just tell me what you want. Lights from the floor? TV? The sun roof? More AC?"

He reached down to a compartment I didn't think would be there, and pulled out some bottles, "Drinks? Maybe?"

"Holy crap, this is pretty darn cool. What the hell, dude? What's next? You have a plane too?"

"I actually do-"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, it's just that you don't have an airport here."

"Okay, okay, you two, I'm still in the middle of both of you. Stop," I gripped both their shoulders, halting the oddly confrontational conversation.

The limo came to a stop. It was quicker than I had expected to reach Airi's house. The chauffer opened the door for her once again, clutches already prepared for her.

"Well, this is where I get off, see you guys later," she said, getting out of the vehicle. Her tone showed no sign of us parting more than 600 kilometers, it was as if I'd really see her next day when I check into work and take a seat beside her like usual. It was light, no grave emotions detected whatsoever. It was refreshing, in a way.

The door closed, and she disappeared into her house, waving to us as the limo started to move once again. Buildings and occasional trees zoomed pass us through the windows. I was actually going to leave.

"Get some sleep, alright?" Luzien pulled me into his arms. "It's going to take a while until we get there."

His body heat shielded me from the freezing air-conditioning, but it mostly shielded me from my leaking sadness.

Yeah, I'll deal with the emotions later.


"Hey, wakey wakey, Tol. We're here already," a hand ran through my hair, slowly pulling me back into the world of the waking.

I shifted my body. Sheets were over my body, my head was still on top of a pillow, which was strangely too high from what I had seen. The pillow can't be this tall, unless...

I jerked up.

The pillow was on Luzien's lap. He looked like he was in pain when I looked up (No shit, Sherlock, you were on his thighs for at least seven hours.).

Okay, fuck, the world is blurry and spinning. I did not have my glasses. I fell backwards.

An arm supported my torso.

"Hey, careful," Luzien pulled me closer to him, holding up my glasses. "We haven't stopped yet. You must be really tired, you were asleep the whole time."

I mumbled thanks while placing my glasses back to its place.

"I kept your skeleton friend safe all this time too, so don't worry. We're going back to my place first, is that alright?" he handed me the box containing Samson.

Holy crap, we're going to go to his place.

A familiar ringtone cut the air like a knife. He picked up his phone, "Hey, yeah, I know, I'm back already."

Luzien's brow furrowed. "Yeah, I do have him, mother. But we won't be going back today."

Is he...Is he talking about me?

"Why would you do that?"

He sighed, looking defeated, "Fine, we'll be back tonight. Ask him not to worry."

Luzien fell into my arms, "Sorry, love, we have to meet my, uh, family."

I was not ready for this?

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