Chapter 43- Whoops, I Messed Up (Yes, Again)

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  You know that moment when you know you messed up?

Yeah, I got that awful feeling the moment Luzien totally ignored my waving hand.

I waved at him at the entrance of the office, as we both made eye contact. He literally walked in, without even waving back, he didn't even look at me the second time, there were no signs of greetings either. It was like he completely ignored my existence. I got it though, our last interaction was pretty bad.

I sighed, trying to make myself feel better. 'Today, I will be fine,' I tried lying to myself, hoping that if I said it enough, it would happen.

Spoilers, it did not. It couldn't even last a second.

The moment I set my things down onto my desk, a colleague asked me if I were aware that Luzien had a partner (It kinda sounds like he was asking me if Luzien had a Science partner.). I shook my head, waiting for him to continue. He looked shocked as to the fact that I didn't know the rumours (Yeah, because most of the time rumours are false information.).

He then proceeded to tell me how a few of our other co-workers and him saw him in a bar with a lady.

I raised my eyebrow, "Do you mind describing this lady?"

"Oh, buddy. She has to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She's got the curves and the height of the best models. She wore the most expensive jewellery anyone could ask for, according to Masey. Also, any girl would kill to have her looks. Her face was so proportionate I thought she wasn't real," he said, sounding incredibly excited and pumped up.

"How did you even get that close to knowing what she was wearing and how she looks like? Weren't you guys in a bar?"

He chuckled nervously, "Ahahaha, you see, Max actually spotted her from afar, so we pushed him to meeting her. We basically stood close by just in case. And, what do you know, Mr, Kaiser walked up to us and shooed us away. And, then, he proceeded to drag her out. He looked super pissed, by the way."

Oh, someone was in bad mood then.

"Holy crap, imagine if he fired all of you because of this," I joked half-heartedly. I wasn't actually in the mood to listen anymore.

He let out a laugh, "Nah, man, he was super professional this morning. I saw him outside and he legit greeted me like nothing happened. He even smiled at me, like, oddly warmly. It was super weird. I thought I was gonna die, 'cause he was legit shining, like super brightly."

"Damn, was he messing with you? You know, like, he was friendly to you on purpose."

"Here's the thing, I asked those who saw him, including those who weren't a part of what had happened. They all said that he greeted them back with a super welcoming smile."

So it's only me then, wow.

Hang on.

"Wait, he was here already? I just saw him outside."

"Yeah, apparently, a few said that he was standing outside, just casually talking to someone on the phone. It's something he does, I guess. I don't understand why he'd want to do that though, he has a super huge office. He's super confusing."

He's not that hard to read.


"Shouldn't the both of you be working?" an unpleasantly familiar voice cut into the conversation from behind.

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