Chapter 13- Hang In There, Samson

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As I walked into the familiarly messy place I called my home, I could feel him tailing me. I was in no mood to deal with another human being yet I did not want to refuse someone who had been waiting outside my door for Gods know how long. I reckon that he was worried, but who knows, he could have been there for some other unknown reasons.

"So, how'd 'cha know where I live?" I asked, casually grabbing a glass, filling it with water.

He shrugged, "I went through your documents...? I like to be closer to my employees, okay?"

I sighed, "Fine, whatever you say, you know, Mr. Luzien." You have no idea how much my brain was screaming at for saying that so directly. I mumbled, "Sorry, that was kinda rude, please don't fire me."

He shook his head, "Oh, no, no, it's fine. Just treat me like a friend outside of work. Plus, I wanted to come here on my own. It's just that you turning around like that when you saw me sort of frustrated me a little, you know."

I wanted to tell him that I needed time to myself for a while but I would actually feel bad. It's not like I wanted him to stay, it was just that he was already there, I did not want him to just leave.

I handed him the filled glass, "I'm just going to take a bath. Please don't touch anything. Sorry, it's a mess."

He gave me an okay sign before I disappeared into the bathroom. (Is this seriously another shower scene, you ask? Yes, because I think a lot in the toilet, okay? Jeez.)

My mind began to go 100 kilometres per hour with thoughts and plans as the soothing water hit my bare skin. I knew that my main problem right then was Fancy-Ass there, I had to make him leave as soon as possible, somehow. Yet, my heart was telling me that he could stay and he might be a good person. 'Perhaps, I was fated to meet him,' I told myself. I do believe that someday you are just fated to meet someone, maybe he was one those people.

'Remember the time you told yourself this? Yeah, it did not go well did it? Are you seriously that dumb?' my brain lectured me. It was true that it happened one too many times. I mean, c'mon, a guy can hope, right?

Personally, I was not too attached to too many things. It was a lot of work, and also because I could not handle emotional pain well. There's a saying, when in emotional pain, cry in the shower ad hug your skeleton that you totally have. Yes, I'm sure it was that saying.


I immediately stopped massaging shampoo into my scalp and just grabbed a towel to cover my lower body, I rushed out of the bathroom.

I saw Fancy-Ass horrified look as he pointed to Samson. "Holy crap, what the heck is that?" he looked at me in a mixture of confusion and fear.

"Okay, first off, rude. Samson has to be like, the nicest skeleton. Secondly, I told you to not touch anything. Like, please, just not touch anything," I looked at him, annoyed, and ignoring my glasses sliding off. I wanted to just strangle him. Honestly, who would go looking for other people's skeletons in the closet? (Totally no pun intended.)

I picked up Samson and sat them down onto the small brown couch in front of the television. I turned to Fancy-Ass, "No more touching, you hear me? Just talk to Samson or something."

"It has a name?"

"They, and yes, it's Samson," I could feel my patience running out and my towel slowly sliding down my hips. "Just don't do anything."

I grabbed my towel just in time and headed back to the shower. See, this is why I don't deal with people.

But, somehow, even though he annoyed me (like most people do), I wanted him to stay. Could it be because I was too lonely? 

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