Chapter 61- Personal Space Was Not Taken Into Consideration

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Anyway, he lied.

That's right, Luzien Corucus Kaiser lied.

He wasn't there when I woke up. All that was there was left was a note and a voice message on my phone.

The note read:

I'll be back, something came up and I had to go. Breakfast on the table. Don't be late for work.

I sighed, playing the voice message, hoping to hear something more.

Hey, I'm going back to Tazania a bit. Don't know when I'll be back. It's something small but I'll be back for that ass, so don't worry.

His message lifted my mood a bit, making me smile.

'He'll be back,' I assured myself.

I stood up, ready to once again slave my life away to pay my bills.


Now, the real question is, was he home the moment I stepped in?


I did not really know what my thought process was, thinking that he could be there when I got home. To be fair, he did say that he would be quick, just not how quick.

I flung myself onto the sofa, not bothering to take a shower.

It was a tiring day, it drained all life out of me once I had finished the work.

Taking off my glasses, I covered my eyes with my hand. Just like that, I fell asleep in my dim apartment.


Ah, this familiar place.

Where is this again?

"I was just toying with you."

I stumbled backwards, as he pushed me hard. His face was a blur, yet his voice sounded so much like Luzien's.

"I don't have a future with you, what did you expect?" he continued his stinging words. Everything he said, I felt it on my skin.

"They were right, you are worthless." He crouched down to where I was, looking at me mockingly, slapping my face lightly.

"Actually, no, you are worth something, worth being my entertainment. And I think I'm giving you too much credit even for that," he spat. "Disgusting."

I was in no shape to fight back at that point, every word he said was a stab to my body. It was suffocating, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. Tears cascaded down my face, no words came out of my mouth, yet I had so much I wanted to say.


My body was shaking when I opened my eyes slowly. Clumps of tears were on my eyelashes, making it a little hard for my eyes to actually open. The apartment was now incredibly blinding, lights burned my eyeballs, they were unable to adjust to the sudden brightness.

He was right beside me, the real Luzien. I leaped up, hugging him, desperately hoping that he was not going to just leave or shame me. He was right there, yet I was so scared that I couldn't reach him. He softly hushed me, "Hey, hey, breathe, I'm right here. It's alright now, I'm back."

Hugging back, he gently patted my back with his hand. Without my glasses, I could not see him very well, but I knew it was him, in the flesh, I could feel his racing heart.

Hang on, something wasn't right.

I pushed him away.

"How are you here? Tazania is at least six hours from here is there isn't a traffic jam. How fast were you going at?" I glanced at him, suspicious.

He bit his lip, "P-private helicopters are a thing?"

I'm sorry, this guy has a private helicopter?

"What?" My jaws nearly fell to the ground. "You have a what?"

"A private helicopter?"

"Yeah, I got it the first time but you have that?"


I laid back down onto the soft cushion, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he had a helicopter. I know, I know, he's rich and all but I did not expect him to be that rich. (Nah, I just find helicopters cool. I didn't mean to make a big deal out of it but damn.)

"You don't have your skeleton with you this time, huh?" he was hovering above me, blocking the light.

"Shut up, their name is Samson."

"Good enough." He leaned down, touching my lips with his. "I missed you." 

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