Chapter 74- Task Somehow Successfully Completed

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  "Tol, listen to my voice. Breathe," Airi commanded. Grabbed my face, she started squishing my cheeks with enough force for me to focus on her features. Her eyebrows was bushy, a few shades darker than her hair. I guess that makes sense.

I felt Luzien's warm hand run up and down my arm. It was his way of calming me down.

When I finally was able to breathe normally again, both of them looked at me, their faces drenched in worry and concern.

Luzien broke into a mess of apologizes, "I'm so sorry I asked that. I shouldn't have said that, I didn't know-"

"It's fine," I rested my hand on his head. Yeah, you know what? At that moment I realised that it would be fine even if I do fail and if I do fuck up. I had these two backing me up. I held his hand, "Just know that you'd be stuck with me for a really long time. Alright?"

He nodded his head, burying himself into my neck.

"Being stuck with Tol isn't the worst, it just comes with a price, which is if you ever break Tol's heart, I'd find your ass and make it hell for you," Airi put her arm on the backrest of the chair.

"I'd help if my brother breaks anyone's heart, just so you know," Nixie came out with food, dishes that amazed me to a point where for a split second I did not think that anyone would have the heart to eat them. It was well-garnish, but it didn't seem too over the top, just enough to be aesthetically pleasing. Every single little detail was considered, from the ingredients of the dish to the color of each of the ingredient.

"Enjoy your food," Nixie gave a smile.

"You too," Airi blurted out.

I was sure Nixie heard her, she left, trembling to hold in her laughter.

The air was dead quiet.

Airi gripped onto my arm and started to shake it violently, making me a slightly dizzy, she groaned, "Why did I say that? She definitely heard me, didn't she? I could have gotten her number and I blew it."

"If you want her number, I can always give it to you," Luzien said, casually stuffing food into his mouth. "It's not like you don't know her brother."

"Lulu" ─ she reached over the table to grab his hand ─ "It doesn't work that way. I gotta get her number myself. It's called satisfaction and I don't think I'd like some random person who I had met one time and said something embarrassing to text me or have my number. So, please, don't give me her number."

All Luzien said was just a short, "Okay."

"There there, Ai. Have some food first, alright?" I patted her shoulder, reassuring her that she'd get her number, handing her a bite of salmon on the fork.

She ate it, not bothering to take the fork out of my hand. "Yes, Tol, feed me. This is great."

I smiled at her, shaking my head, "Yeah, yeah, make the most use out of me before I go, am I right?"

A tug on my sleeve was felt just as I was poking another piece of tomato, I turned to see Luzien pointing at himself, "How about me? Feed me too? Please?"

Laughter got the best of me and I let out a chuckle at how cute he looked with those eyes and that tone. I said, "I'll feed you all the time if you want, once we are staying together at Tazania. I have another child to tend to now."

"I am not a child," Airi defended herself.

I made a sarcastic sound of agreement. "You totally aren't. I totally believe you."

Hah, I'll miss this moment, won't I?


"Thanks for having us, Nix," Luzien wrapped his around her neck.

"Yeah, yeah, scram. I have your money now, so see yourselves out," she struggled to get out of his tight lock around her neck. Her height was almost similar to Luzien's, it would have been perfect if she were to be a model, to be frank. She had all the requirements to pull of any clothing.

"Hey, uhm," Airi squeaked, getting Nixie's attention. "Are you interested in helping me model for some clothes?"

The siblings stopped fighting each other to look at Airi.

Nixie's smile melted into a frown, "I've caught a designer's eye. Oh, dear me, whatever should I do?"

"You don't have to say yes..." Airi trailed off.

"I, technically, can't. I don't have a modeling agency. I quit years ago. In case you haven't realised, I am Midnight Moon from that one modeling agency that works with Younger Fun magazine all the time," Nixie shrugged.

Holy crap, she's Midnight Moon? I have never thought that I would ever meet her. I wasn't actually her fan, it was just that she was famous for wearing a mask and holding a fan while showcasing some fashionable modern traditional clothing. Though, no one knew where she went after two years when she was at her peak.

"You can, I'm not going to lie. You look young enough and also you can still use your old name. It's not like you can't earn a few quick bucks. It'll be 'Midnight Moon Returns', it'll be pretty good for my company. Plus, I'll pay you," Luzien helped Airi to convince her.

"And I have to deal with more fame? Ew. I left just because I got tired of the fame. Why do you think I never show up to social events myself and ask my assistant instead? Aren't you the same? You also don't do public stuff, so don't ask me to do it," Nixie stared at her brother, her words had an undertone of offense in them, as if she was unhappy that her brother was not helping her.

"W-well, hear me out," I chimed in, this was the least I could do to help Airi, I guess. "Your past works, you wore a mask covering the upper half of your face. You still can hide your identity by covering the lower half of your face, it's not like people would recognize you with your face covered."

"Fine, do I get my own photographer?" Nixie gave up.

"Yes, you do. Everything regarding your looks will be confidential," Luzien sighed.

"Will I only be wearing her clothes?" ─ She pointed to Airi─ "Because if not, I'm not agreeing. Oh, and she has to be there too, for shooting."

"Okay, fine, yes, whatever you want," Luzien promised, maybe he also saw the potential in her to help him.

"Good. I'm assuming you will also help me talk to Adro by tomorrow and help me get my paperwork done?" she asked, taking advantage of this opportunity to get whatever she wanted.

Luzien gave her a look, making a sound of agreement. "I have to leave now, I do still have work. Let's go."

"Have a nice day," Nixie waved, getting really close to Airi, whispering something into her ear, shoving her hand into her pocket.

Airi, then, proceeded to scramble off to catch up to Luzien. Walking behind her, I could see how red her ears turned.  

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