Chapter 56- Is This What It Feels Like To See A Couple Fight?

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"So, you're telling me, that that day, in the shop was just you teasing me?" I rubbed my forehead, trying to grasp what she was saying.

"Yeah, and also because I knew that you were recording. I saw it out of the corner of my eye," my older sibling shrugged, casually taking a sip of Vastel's drink. "And also because I knew that the three of you are on the hunt for me."


"I'm sure you smart people already found out about me illegally bugging your stuff."

Waves of irritated energy could be felt from where Airi was seated. She was about to blow up.

"So, uh, how did you know where we were?"

"I stalked you."

"You what?" Airi nearly screamed out. "Aren't you scared of, I don't know, getting caught and going back to jail?"

"Honey, listen, you and I, we both know that we aren't so different. I want to protect my baby brother and so do you too. I'm sure you would do the same... If you had balls. It's clear that you don't, both figuratively and literally," she smiled at her, deriding her even further.

Airi made a sound of frustration before joining Vastel in the role of observers. He has yet to say a word to anyone, as if he wasn't the one super excited to see my sister.

I patted Airi's back, hoping that I could at least calm her down a little. "Then, that day before I went to find you, in the hospital. That was you too?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I had to leave because I realised that my gender changed. To avoid my really bad gender dysphoria, I had no choice but to run back to Mrs. Sia's store."

"Does she know?"

"Obviously. She's really cool with it, even telling me that it's fine to wear whatever I want as long as I follow the dress code."

"When you were at the hospital, did you..."

"See your cute boyfriend? Yes, yes, I did. A very nice person, actually. I know he's a richie too," she winked at me playfully.


"Are you done playing around then?" the most unexpected voice spoke up, interrupting what I was going to say. Frustration and rage was written all over Vastel's face.

"What's up with disappearing for two years? Do you have any idea how worried I was? For you? And now you show up like it's nothing, smiling your face of with your brother who barely remembers you. Why call us in the middle of the night? Why apologize? What is wrong with you?" He exploded, his French accent once again thickened, he was asking so many questions at once it made my head spin. (Okay, I do feel bad for him though, but he was asking all the questions I wasn't brave enough to ask.)

"What? Did you think I was alright seeing you again after what I had done? You know how insecure I was about us even back then we started dating. What was I going to do? Show up at your door and be all like, 'V, I need a place to stay, I just got out of prison for killing both my parents.'? Are you out of your mind? I have self-respect too! Some things are just impossible, there is a limit to things," she fired back at him. (Oh... OH. So they were like that, huh. I did not expect that.)

She turned to me, nearly making me jump out of my seat. "And, you, what did he mean by 'barely remember'?"

"He doesn't remember half the shit that had happened, that's what," Vastel answered it for me in a calm tone. His effort of trying to keep everything cool was unconcealed, he didn't want to cause a scene.

"Expected it, I guess, you probably would have recognised me or something," she said, turning away from me. "Sorry I couldn't protect you sooner. You didn't deserve anything that had happened before you lost your memory. I suggest you not to remember them either."

I didn't say anything, nobody did. I figured that was why she didn't want to get into the serious stuff.

She cleared her throat, "I...didn't call you in the middle of the night, by the way. I haven't called anyone in a long time. I mean, I could hear your every move, V. Except for when I sleep."

"Who was it then? Why on earth would anyone call Tolmer and I in the middle of the night out of nowhere? And so specific too," Vastel buried his face into his hands. "Ceb, why bug my house? What is it that concerns you so much that you have to do this?"

She flinched, "I just... I wanted to make sure you'd be fine. As gross as this sounds, I miss you. I still love you, okay? No matter how hard I try, I can't just give you up. I'm not ready to just lose you or let you get hurt and stuff."

She looked down, between them was a wall of misunderstanding so solid that I didn't think we could finish all of this in one sitting. Airi was so quiet at that point, I had to look at her constantly to check if she was still there.

"Where are you staying now then?" he asked, unable to look at her.

"Near Tol's apartment, two blocks away."

There was another long pause before he mumbled, "Since you are so worried, might as well just live with me."

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