Admission Process..

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"Excuse me"..

Reha looks to lady & says with smile- yes..

"It's your puppy"..

Reha smile & says- no, it's not mine, actually I got him near the road, who barking with hunger, so I brought him here in park, & now he is satisfied with milk..

"Nice, it's a good actually"..

Reha smile & says- thanks..

"I think you new here, right"..

Reha says with little surprise tone- yes, how do you know..

"I'm regular member here, so I know everyone, & I found new face, so ask you"..

Reha- ok..

"What's your name"..

Reha smile & says- Reha Arora, from Delhi, last day me, mom & my sister shifted here, because of mom's transfer..

"Ok, if you don't mind, can take him with me"..

Reha says with little sad face- sorry, but I want keep him with me, if my mom won't agree to keep him with us, then I give it to you, is it fine..

"Sure, is you a college student"..

Reha says with little sad tone- no I'm last year of high school..

"In between your mid terms you comes to Mumbai"..

Reha- it's not that much big deal, already mine & my sister's mid term admission is done..

"Great, your mother is strong"..

Reha proudly smile & says- yes, she is..

"Ok, then good to see you again"..

Reha- yeah bye, & she start to go back towards the house..

Reha comes back to house with the puppy, Prachi looks that with wide eyes & she almost got up on couch, & shouts- Mom, Mom, look what Reha brought in house..

Pragya coming out from the kitchen, she look Prachi first, who stood on couch, & then she look Reha & says- Reha why you brought puppy in the house, you know Prachi scared by dogs, & she is allergic too, so no dogs allowed in the house..

Reha says with pleading tone- mom please! He is so cute..

Pragya look Reha's both hands, one hand busy in holding a puppy & other hand caressing puppy's head carefully & she ask with the stern tone- where is the milk..

Reha remember, that she serve milk to puppy, & she mimes sorry & says- puppy was too hungry, so I serve him..

Pragya shook her head in disbelief, & she look Prachi & says- please seat over on couch at least, that puppy won't trouble you..

Reha- promise puppy won't comes to you..

Pragya says with warning tone to Reha- don't try it, you know so well she is scared by dogs, so don't..

Reha- I promise, I won't trouble her even puppy too, even tommorow morning I'll hand over to other lady, who really wants to him..

Pragya- good, & now keep him down & go get fresh..

Reha- what about Prachi, if I keep him down..

Pragya- Prachi you go in room, I send your breakfast in your room..

Prachi shook her head in yes, & Reha quickly shout- he is coming to you..

Prachi won't keep her leg down on floor & she again stood on couch with closing eyes- Mom..

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