Chapter 14

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"Bo! Are you serious?! You told them and not me?!" Stiles pouted as the Hale pack joined the growing crowd in the Cullen home.

"Stiles, sensitive ears, babe. You don't have to shout for people to hear you." Derek reminded his mate.

"Shut up, Sourwolf. She didn't tell me she found her mate. We had a deal."

"Guys, stop. Stiles, I didn't tell you because you would have broken your bat... again. Chill."

"Bo, are these your friends from Beacon Hills?" My mother asked.

"They're more than that, Mama; they're family now." Jo spoke up.


"Everybody, this is Peter, my mate. Peter, this is my family."

"Joanna Loraine Hunter." My father scolded.

"Peter Hale, meet Anne, Sean, Nick, Zack, Chris, Buck, Sarah, and Charlie Hunter." Jo introduced properly.

"So, what now?" Jackson spoke up.

"Now, we should probably call Sam."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Charlie?" I asked, confused.

"I guess we're moving." Daddy spoke up. Still confused, I scanned the room until I found Nick making goo-goo eyes at Leah.

"Well, that was unexpected. Congrats, Nick." I said.

"I hate not seeing things coming." Alice complained.

"Bo, show us your eyes." Edward requested. I flashed my eyes at him with a snap of my teeth.

"That wasn't polite, Edward." Esme scolded.

"I was right about that, at least."

"Alice..." Jasper soothed.

"When are we going back? Chris and John can't watch over the town forever." Lydia asked.

"Tomorrow. Christ texted; we've got another rogue hunter on our hands."

"Remember to call if it gets out of hand. You know how much I love to mess with the rogues."

"You had better not be teasing disturbed humans, Bo."

"Have some faith in my, Daddy. I don't even pretend to maim them. I make the best bait."

"Bait?" I yelped in surprise when Emmett pulled me into his lap.

"Emmett, it's okay. I'm never in any real danger. Most hunters don't even know about those of us that can fully manifest." I soothed.

"When are you planning to move, Jo?" Daddy asked.

"After the hunter is dealt with I'll get my things."

"At least we have the summer to pack up the house It's going to take a while to build a place up here." Mama commented.

"We'd be happy to help in any way we can." Carlisle offered.

"Great... more people to protect this place."

"Oh, before everyone leaves we need a new family photo! There's so many new additions now." I spoke up.

"I would say we should have John and Lisa bring their kits up to be part of it, but they've decided to split from the family." Mama commented.

"I was wondering when they would. They've been pulling away for years." Jo added.

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