Chapter 15

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 "How can I - Emmett, what are you doing here?" I demanded when I saw my mate walk into the pizzeria.

"Esme wanted to feed the brats. I volunteered to come get them food." he smirked.

"Did they actually ask for pizza?" I grinned in spite of myself, happy my mate wanted to see me.

"They don't care as long as it's edible. Said to get extra for Embry. They're running him and Leah ragged until Nick and Charlie get back. Leah and Embry will have traded off by the time I get back." I nodded in understanding while I put together an order for the wolves.

"Hey, Bo, you want anything from Bobby's? Going to pick up some subs." Jim asked as he came up to the counter form the kitchen.

"Nah, I'm good. Get the newbie extra chips so he doesn't eat all the breads." I declined.

"You're gonna have to learn his name if you're gonna train him."

"Owner's grandson or not, he has to earn his name from me."

"Hey, watch your tone in front of customers. Have you been helped, sir?" Jim's attention turned from food to customer service so quickly it amazed me.

"I have. Bo's great; you should promote her." Emmett beamed mischievously.

"Em, don't make me call Lydia or Rose. I will."

"I'll hide your new extension card pack if you do."

"Hmph... see if I kiss you now." I muttered, turning away and into the kitchen to deal with the order.

"Bo, pizzas coming out." Conner called.

"Got it. Newbie, come here."

"My name is Sean." The teenager replied as he shuffled to the front of the oven.

"That's nice for you. I'm gonna show you how to box the pizzas. Come over here." Once he was beside me, I slowed my normal pace so he could see every move I made. "Always cut a regular pizza four times. Keep even pressure so you cut all the way through. Once it's cut, grab a box and slide it in. Carry outs go in the window, deliveries go in a bag. Now you try." I switched positions with the newbie and watched him follow the exact steps I had taken. "Good. Get those other three for the order while I take care of the front." I left him in the kitchen and went back to the front counter to finish out Emmett's ticket. "53.48 babe."

"Not bad for five pizzas. Hopefully that'll fill them up." He commented as he pass over his credit card.

"I doubt it. They'll burn it off as soon as they get to Emily's. I'm off tomorrow; we should go hunting tonight."

"Sounds like a plan. I don't think your boss likes me."

"He doesn't have to. Who I'm with is none of his business."

"Cullen." Newbie called from the window. I spun on my heel to get the order and turned back to Emmett with a smile.

"If they get hungry again, call in a delivery. Got to show Newbie how those go." I instructed, passing over the pizzas with his card.

"Sure thing. Call me when you clock out and I'll meet you at your place. I will. Now go feed the mutts." I teased.

"There you are."

"Hush. Newbie spilled the grease when we were closing and I got stuck cleaning it up. Let me just change real quick and we can go." I replied to Emmett's comment as I walked into my house.

"Jasper and Alice are tagging along. Alice thinks she found a spot for your family's place." I nodded as I walked past him to my bedroom to toss my work clothes in the hamper and change into shorts.

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