Chapter 6

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I woke to being shaken, immediately grabbing the hand that was on my shoulder and pulling don while I jumped to my feet. I looked down to find Emmett kneeled down at my feet while his hand was bent into a crippling hold. "Oh, sorry big guy. I don't like being woken up by being touched. Trouble with being trained to be alert and keep from being attacked." I apologized, releasing the hold and pulling him to his feet.

"Noted. I'll stand farther away next time I have to wake you up. We should get going. Alice says that we should head out in five minutes if we want to meet your sister on time." He told me.

"Right. Well, let's get a move on. I don't want to be late. Jo doesn't appreciate tardiness."

"Your sister's name is Jo?" Emmett chuckled, following behind me out of the room.

"It's short of Joanna, but yes. Do not call her by her full name, she hates it." I warned him as we stepped into the garage.

"Got it. No jokes about your sister's name. I'll be a struggle so I'll just try not to talk."

"Probably best. She's already gonna be put off because you're so huge."

"uh, thanks. I guess... I'm not actually sure if that was a compliment or not."

"Neither am I, honestly. Just try not to piss her off. Okay? That's all I'm asking of you. Now buckle up. I'm not driving until you are. Reggie here screams at me if I drive with any passengers not wearing seatbelts." I demanded.

"Yeah, alright. Let's get a move on. Alice is already chewing us out for being a few seconds behind schedule." Emmett pushed.

Alice should be the one to know that if I'm rushed I'll end up early. Emmett and I were waiting for my sister to come out of the airport in the pickup lane. "Time to climb into the back, Emmett. Hunter women don't sit behind giants. We're too short, and don't like to give up control." I instructed. Without any arguments, Emmett got out of the passenger seat and into the backseat. A few seconds later, I saw my sister's bright red hair bobbing and weaving through the crowd. I honked the horn twice in succession to catch her attention. As soon as Jo looked up, I caught her green eyes and waved to her. She threw her bag over her shoulder and jogged to the side of the truck. As soon as she got in, she threw her bag in the backseat. I waited for a second as she did a double take of Emmett over her shoulder.

"Quen é el? É enorme." (Who's he? He's huge!) My sister commented.

É un does frios. Están preocupados por que me lastime mentres non Estou con eles polo que me enviaron o máis forte. O seu nome é Emmett." (He's one of the cold ones. They're worried about me being hurt while I'm not with them so they sent their strongest with me. His name is Emmett.)

"Eles saben que pode coidar de si mesmo, non?" (They know you can take care of yourself, right?)

"Si, o fan. Non nos acaban de usar." (Yes, they do. They are just not used to us.)

"É realmente grande... e calor." (He's really big... and hot.)

"Controla a ti mesmo, Jo. Non creo que sexa o teu a tomar." (Control yourself, Jo. I don't think he's yours to take.)

"E por que non?" (And why not?)

"Creo que can 'amigo' de Beacon Hills pode sure teu. Él cheiroume coma se che igualase." (I think a 'friend' form Beacon Hills may be yours. He smelled like he matched you.)

"Cal é oi seu nome?" (What's his name?)

"Verás cando o coñeces. Deberéan esta alí logo de chegar alí." (You'll figure it out when you meet him. They should be there just after we get there.)

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