Chapter 11

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The Beacon Hills pack, Sam's pack, Jo and I all showed up at graduation with the Cullens to celebrate Edward, Alice, and Bella graduating high school. Afterwards, when we were able to get away from the school, we made our way to the clearing I had found. "Alright, anyone who is a wolf needs to stay on the edge of the clearing so it doens't interfere with Bella's scent. Bella, did you bring what I asked you to?"

"I've got it."

"Okay. Let's do this so we can get you to Emily's. Allison, you ready to go set traps?"

"Yep. Lydia is coming with me to watch my back." I nodded before turning and following Bella through the clearing. I watched her closely, keeping my senses tuned to our surroundings.

"Bo, I thiknk that's enough walking around. Bella's going to get cold." Jake spoke up after a few minutes. I turned to Bella and gave her the jacket I was wearing.

"Put this on so your mate doesn't freak out."

"Won't you get cold, though?"

"Bella, I'm a fox. We thrive in any environment. I'll be fine. Do you want to start on the blood now?"

"Yeah. I want to be sure they come here."

"Not too much, or it could distract the Cullens." I advised, leading her to the edge of the clearing in the direction of where the newborns would be coming from. Bella pulled the knife I'd told her to bring from her pocket, but hesitated to use it. "Do you want me to do it?" I offered.

"No, I can do it." I watched closely as Bella cut her finger, keeping tabs on the Cullens, as well. "Okay, so now I just put some drops on the trees?"

"Yes. Drag your finger across the bark sideways, starting from where they'll be coming from and ending towards the clearing."

"Okay... why?" I huffed out a sigh.

"Creatures that hunt follow blood trails. If the trail leads to the clearing, they'll go that way. If it leads away, they'll follow it." I explained. Bella did as I said and we continued on, going just inside the treeline. I stopped her when we got to a bush and had her mark there as well. "Okay. That should do it. You have a bandaid, right?"

"I forgot."

"Yo! Anyone got a bandaid?!"

"No! Why?"

"Damn it. I hate doing this." I muttered, grabbing Bella's hand.

"Doing what?"

"Don't move, Bella. And don't freak out." With that, I stuck her bloody finger in my mouth and healed her cut. When I was sure the wound was gone, I dropped her hand and led her back to the others.

"Bo, did you-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I cut off my sister.

"You did!" My sister gasped out a laugh as I glared at her.

"We're done here. So we should get Bella, Allison, Mason, Corey, and Stiles to Emily's." I spoke up to avoid the curious looks from the Cullens. "You guys should go ahead. Jacob will take Bella and the rest of us will meet him there. Edward, when you're done, pick a spot on the mountain to camp and we'll meet you up there. Is everyone clear on the plan?" I asked one last time.

"Bo, we should get going. We don't have a lot of daylight left." Derek cut in.

"Right. I'll meet you there. Emmett, I'm going to need your shirt." I said, making a split-second decision.

"Um, okay. Why?"

"My extra clothes were in my truck. You have the biggest body frame so you obviously wear the largest shirt. I'm gonna need something to wear when I get to La Push." Plus, having the scent of my mate with me will calm my nerves tonight.

"I'm sure you can borrow some clothes form Emily." Jake offered. I bit my lip. I knew I could take the offer, but now that I'd thought of it, I couldn't help but to want Emmett's scent on my skin. Still, maybe it's best to wait until after I tell him. Just as I made to accept Jake's offer, I found a shirt placed in my hands. I looked up to find Emmett staring back at me, sans shirt and smirking.

"You can give it back tomorrow." And with that, he was gone with his family.

"Let's go."

"Thank god the tent's already set up. This storm is getting bad." I breathed a sigh of relief as Jacob and I resumed our human forms in our temporary camp.

"You'd be warmer if you were wearing more than a shirt." Jake retorted.

"I'm warm enough. I just prefer not to endure a blizzard if I don't have to. And you can't tell me you're not the same." I shot back.

"So, Emmett's your mate?" Edward asked out of the blue as we entered the tent.

"I told you to stay out of my head, Edward."

"I wasn't in your head. I was in Alice's and Jo's." I let loose a growl in anger.

"Relax. Alice hasn't told Emmett, yet. But if she thinks you're delaying the future, she will." Edward intoned.

"Wait, back up. Emmett is your imprint and you still haven't told him?" Jake asked, astounded.

"We don't know at eye contact, not like you. Some of us are lucky enough to know the root of our scent. We find out mate by scent, we smell almost identical. Some of us, like me, have to make serious efforts to even get close to understanding the root of our scent. That's why I was meditating yesterday. That's why I haven't told him yet."

"So that's why you wanted his shirt?"

"Yes." I admitted, feeling the faintest hint of embarrassment flicker in my chest.

"Don't be embarrassed, Bo. Emmett was all too happy to give you his shirt. He spent most of our hunt thinking about you being dwarfed by it and wrapped in his scent." Edward spoke up.

"Alright, that's enough out of you, mind reader. We need to set Bella's clothes out so her scent can cover everything. Let's focus on what's coming tomorrow." I broke the weird feeling in the air, opening the bad we'd put Bella's clothes in.

"There is one more thing you should know." Edward spoke up as I was placing the last article of Bella's clothing. "The vision Alice saw you in yesterday, it was more than a glimpse. She saw you with Emmett, meeting your parents."

"Okay. Why do I need to know that now? We have bigger concerns."

"Bo, your eyes... They were silver."

"Silver? But foxes don't have silver eyes. There's only purple, red, and orange."

"Even I know her visions are rarely wrong." Jake commented.

"We're done discussing this right now. We need to focus on tomorrow. Jake, you and I need to get some sleep. We have to be prepared. Edward, don't mention this to anyone else, okay? I don't want anyone worrying over me."

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