Chapter 8

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As soon as I woke up in the morning, I whistled to wake all the wolves in my house. The majority of the pack had decided to stay in my home, with the exceptions of Jo, Peter, Isaac, Allison, Lydia, and Jordan. "Shut up, Bo. It's too early in the morning for this." Stiles complained from where he was being spooned by his mate in front of me.

"It's ten in the morning, Stiles. I thought you wanted to learn more about Cold Ones. Everybody up. Mates shower together quickly and without any funny business because we all smell like sweat. I'll make us some breakfast while you're getting ready."

"Ugh, jeez, Bo how much time did you spend with Emmet following you around yesterday? You smell like you bathed in his scent." Jackson complained in his usual manner.

"I didn't spend that much time with him, Jackson. We ran out of time before I could even spar with him like I wanted to."

"Whatever, Bo. Just go take the first shower before I start wanting candy." Jackson shot back at me.

Freshly showered, dressed, and fed, the pack and I went back to the Cullen home. "We're here." I called once we had parked the vehicles. As soon as the words left my mouth, Rose was standing in front of me with a smile.

"Allison is waiting for you and Kira in Alice's bedroom." She told me.

"Great. Do you and Alice want to learn how to make the pockets, too." I offered. When her smile grew wider, I took that as a yes and followed Rose to Alice's bedroom with Kira.

I spent the better part of three hours teaching the girls how to sew pockets into their bras. During that time, we were joined by Esme, Erica, and Malia, who all also wanted to learn. Emmett, Edward, and Jasper also joined us, watching and joining in on the multiple conversations we had. "So, Bo, who taught you to do this?" Esme eventually asked.

"My cousin, Charlie, did. I was visiting one summer and mentioned that I didn't have enough pocket space when I wore jeans from the girls' section. So she taught me how to do this." I answered.

"I'm glad she did so that you could eventually come to teach us." Alice spoke up.

"Well, considering that all of you wear fashionable clothes and they never have enough pocket space, I think everyone should know how to add pocket space. Carrying a bag is the bane of my existence."

"I thought 'being girly' was the bane of your existence." Lydia teased.

"Just because I don't wake up with my face already made up, it does not mean I hate 'being girly'."

"Alright ladies, knock it off before I have to step in." Derek intervened.

"Oh, honestly, Derek. We all know who would win in an actual fight between me and Lydiea. IT's just some harmless banter."

"Yeah, Derek. Lighten up." Stiles commented as he leaned on the door frame opposite his mate.

"Lydia ad I may have differing views on clothes and makeup, but it'd be a pretty boring friendship if we agreed on every little thing. Besides, a little bit of banter is healthy in any type of relationship. We all know that's the only way you knew how to flirt with Stiles when you first met."

"Well, that was more threats of bodily harm than banter. He did nearly break my nose for allowing Danny to ogle him that one time." Stiles added with a laugh, causing a few worried looks between the cold ones.

"It's actually quite natural for wolves like Derek to threaten their mate like that, especially if they're denying it in the beginning. It's kind of like if your mate put you on display for everyone to try their luck with. It's viewed as rather insulting and a type of mild rejection. Didn't Aunt Sarah to that to Buck when they first met, Jo? I'm sure you remember the story better than I do." I explained to the slightly horrified vampires.

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