Chapter 16

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"Bo, what're you doing in today? You're not scheduled to work 'til tomorrow." Jim greeted me as I stepped into the store.

"I actually came in to put in my notice. I waited longer than I planned, but I wanted to make sure Sean and Carrie were ready. As of today, I'm quitting. I wanted to tell you in person instead of an email."

"Any particular reason?"

"It's time I devoted myself to my passion again. I finally feel like I'm in a place where I can."

"Okay. You can come pick up your check Monday morning, I guess."

"Thanks for understanding, Jim."

"Bo." I stopped half turned to the exit when my now former boss called my name. "if you're done with the rich kid, you wanna go on a date with me?" I sighed. Somehow I was hoping Alice's vision would have been wrong. It was a month ago she had that vision.

"Jim, I'm not going to date you. And just so you know, Emmett isn't some rich kid. He's sweet, kind, gentle; and all at once he's a bear, a brute. He cares about me, and I care about him. He cares about my family, learning our traditions. He isn't some fling because I wanted to give younger a try. We haven't even had sex yet."

"As soon as he gets that out of you, he'll leave you. And then what? You won't have a job. You'll lose your house over some puppy love with a boy?"

"Stop. Before you go too far. I'll be back Monday to pick up my check. Bye, Jim." I walked out before my anger could get the best of me. Vixens were notoriously protective of their mates' honor; some had even killed humans accidentally because they didn't have enough control.

"You okay, babe?" Emmett asked when I slammed the door to the jeep behind me.

"He asked me out and insulted you. It's like he was raised without manners." I seethed.

"Hey. You don't have to worry about him anymore. We have a whole weekend to unwind before you pick up your check. You ready?"

"Yes. Just you and me in the great outdoors. I'm excited. And so ready to show you how it's done."

"You know I used to go camping when I was human, right?"

"Yeah, but we're camping my way now. No tent, no sleeping bag, no flint. None of it. Only clothes, toiletries, and 'smores ingredients."

"Have to admit, I never did it that way."

"Because you were human. Foxes are better equipped to live off the land and Cold Ones only need blood. So really, all you need to camp my way is clothes. But I don't camp with 'smores."


Emmett and I started our camping trip by setting up a firepit and a leaf nest for me to sleep in. And once that was done, we took off for a hunt. I was halfway through my deer when Emmett unceremoniously dropped the bear he'd drained beside me. My natural instincts kicked in and I snarled at the dead creature near my food. "Babe, it's dead. It's not gonna steal your deer." Emmett chuckled at me.

"See, logically, I know that. But instinctually, I want to protect my kill from other predators. I once saw my mom attack a cougar for trying to drag off her kill. It did not end well for the cougar."

"Well, don't tear the bear a new one 'til you're ready to use it."

"Oh hush. That's two bear skins and six deer skins. Before too long, I'll have fur blankets for everyone." I commented before going back to my meal.

"You're gonna make blankets out of them? Doesn't that take a lot of work?"

"Can we talk about this after I eat?"

"Sure, sure. When you're done, we can take these back to camp." I nodded as I ate, more focused on sating my fox than conversation.

"Look, Ursa Minor." I pointed up at the stars we could see through the canopy.

"You trying to guilt trip me about bears?"

"Of course not. You eat, and I get warm and comfy bedding out of it."

"Speaking of which, how exactly do you plan on making blankets out of them?"

"The same way anyone does. Tan, cure, sew, condition. Same way people have done for centuries. Furs are warm and insulated. Mama and Daddy swaddled all of us in furs when we were babies, until our foxes started making winters easier for us. And like I said, we don't waste anything from kills. The organs we can't eat feed foragers and small predators. I can even make tools and jewelry from the bones. Their bones are really pretty when they've been polished."

"I never pegged you as being that Southern until you said that. That's really hot." In an instant, Emmett was above me, caging me with his massive body. His lips caressed my cheek, trailing down to my neck, then my pulse, before dragging up my jaw to capture my mouth. I moaned into him when his tongue slipped past my lips to explore. of their own accord, my hands slid into his hair and pulled him impossibly closer until his full weight settled on top of me. One of his hands trailed down my side to pull my leg over his hip, which allowed his body closer to mine. Images of what we could be doing flashed in my mind's eye, sending shivers down my spine. My fingers gripped Emmett's hair tighter and I pulled him away for a breath.

"Em, baby," I panted, "we gotta slow down. Daddy will rip you apart twice if you get me pregnant right now."

"Sorry. I forgot that can actually happen for us." He still hovered above me and we just stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you." I admitted.

"I love you, Bo Leslie Hunter. I've been waiting for you to say it. I have something for you." I watched as nerves seemed to grip him while he sat up and reached into his pocket. I knew what he was doing as soon as he pulled the ring box out and sat up. "I waited almost one hundred years for you. And now we have eternity to spend together. I talked to Jo before she left for Beacon Hills, and she told me what you'd always wanted. So, will you, Bo Hunter of the Hunter Leash, make me the happiest creature in the world and become my wife?" The box popped open to show off an amethyst stone in the center accented by small onyx stones on a silver band. Tears welled in my eyes and my throat clogged with joy.

 Tears welled in my eyes and my throat clogged with joy

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"Yes!" I choked out. Emmett slid the ring onto my finger moments before I tackled him out of the nest and began kissing all over his face. "I love you Emmett McCarty Cullen."

A/N: I'm not actually sure how to prep animal skin to make into a blanket, so I just kinda went with my gut when I wrote that part and did a quick google how to search for how to piece one together. Sorry.

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