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I was walking into my room at our large family penthouse to pack since our entire family had locked down their homes and properties as almost our entire family along with all our friends have moved to planet Aria due to the super volcano eruption that is going to happen in Yellowstone any day now causing everyone in the united states to move to the new cities that are on our family's new world Aria that are named after all the towns and cities that were in the old united states. Our family rebuilt huge new very advanced cities that are named and built to be identical to all the former cities of the former united states of America that on our planet Aria is named the United States of Terra. We are only leaving a few of our very advanced and new cities back here on earth open in the former united states as our friends and family have agreed that only ten of the largest cities will remain in the former united states due to everyone wanting to move to the newer and more advanced cities that our family has built on Aria that were built to match the old cities except for being larger, cleaner, new, and are named after the old cities for example the new city of Los Angeles is called Los Angeles with each old city and town that are left in the former united states being called Old New York or old Los Angeles as the new cities and towns will keep the same names given that they were built to just be taller and bigger but still have the same buildings and streets with the only difference being that our new cities and towns are on one of the new worlds my family owns. 

KYLIE: I along with my sister wives decided that only Florida, New York, Washington, and California would stay the same with newer cities and towns being built with all other states having every house and building copied onto storage crystals so if someone in our family wanted one of the houses our skyscrapers rebuilt on their land or island they could have it is what is done with every house and building once its built or about to be taken down for the materials after everyone has left with their belongings. I was packing the rest of my stuff when my sister Kendall told me its time to leave after she entered the code that raised the powerful energy shields over the united states along with the smaller shields that were raised over California, New York, Florida, and Washington State before we left bringing our suitcases to the underground garage to our small private hyper jet. 

KENDALL: It is time to go for now my sister Kendall told me as I started up our Jet causing it to rise fast above the city that is still beautifully lite up by all the lights except for being empty of all cars and people now since our family evacuated the entire country over the past six months with everyone being able to copy their homes and take their personal items leaving only five million people in the entire country with hundred thousand being our family and our friends family's. I looked out over the city along with my sister knowing that the city would be full again or at least have people in it again within the next fifty years. 

KYLIE: I knew that England, France, and China was evacuating to their new homes that are going to be permanent too since China was also having an eruption of their own by the next year and they are moving to the newly terraformed moon around earth that is named Luna into the new large cities that were just built by our family with France and England moving to Mars onto the two large landmasses that are called New France and New England causing most of Europe to become empty since France and England has been the capitals since early 2040 after all smaller countries of Europe united under either England or France. I knew that some people would move back that wanted to stay away from technology once the air was clear in these areas but we knew that it would be awhile but at least ten million people would be returning by next year to live in the former united states after they had been cured of all medical problems along with their genetics being modified to be in perfect health since most who would move back would be normal humans with just longer life spans unless they are soulmates. 

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