The Arrival Of The Kardashian's Part One

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Once I was done getting ready I put my Met Gala outfit back on since that was all I wanted to wear right now until I got home to Los Angeles tomorrow. I would be keeping my hair very long like the Met Gala since I really liked it this long so Willow used her powers to grow my natural hair past my butt which I put into a tight ponytail. I knew my sisters and family would be here very soon since all my sisters were now in New York now thanks to my mother Kris and Willow's help.  

My girlfriend Willow also told me that I might be kidnapped in the next two years as a slave but also told me that even though she can see the future it is always changing for the better especially with me, Kylie, and Willow being soulmates

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My girlfriend Willow also told me that I might be kidnapped in the next two years as a slave but also told me that even though she can see the future it is always changing for the better especially with me, Kylie, and Willow being soulmates. I asked how I would get kidnapped causing Willow to tell me that she won't tell me since that could change things and since my family and hers are not immortal and share are powers now I would end up suffering a lot as a sex slave since drugs would not numb my mind like a normal person. Willow also told me that my kidnapping and slavery would cause the sex trade industry to be wiped out only two years after Willow and my family would find me since somehow my sister Kylie would find me in the future. I knew that if I was kidnapped in the future I would be turned into one of the most slutty whore and sex slaves in the world due to how pretty I am. I also knew I would be forced to do really nasty things that I did not even want to think about myself doing with anyone else except the ones I love. As I sat down with my girlfriend Willow to spend time with her we were alerted that my family was here on the way up in the elevator to see me. Willow and I went to the entrance hall five floors down to see my family to let them know I was doing okay. once we were by the elevators it only took two seconds for the doors to open to let my family into the penthouse. Once I saw my family I was already in a tight hug with my sisters, brothers, mom, and Caitlyn who I was surprised to see since our family has not been getting along well with my dad since he transitioned from Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner but, I was still glad my dad was here. We all went up stairs to the large library to sit down talk, and spend time with each other to also let my family get to know my new girlfriend who was also my sister Kylie's soulmate. 



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When we arrived in New York only an hour later we slowly approached the largest building in the city that I knew was the new building for the New York branch of Sinclair Industries which is the biggest and richest company in the world that has no board of directors and is own by the person who built the company Willow Isabella Sinclair in early 2001. I also knew that Willow Sinclair's company made twenty trillion a year since January 20th 2002 making her total net worth 340 trillion dollars but she has only kept 170 trillion in her bank accounts putting the rest back into her company account. This still meant that Willow was the richest person in the world and would only get richer since she was slowly taking over failing company and buying foreclosed properties along with buying old properties that needed to be rebuilt. Willow also recently bought out all the rundown areas in most of the major cities along with any old building that were for sale in all major cities turning these areas into huge high rises over eight hundred floors tall with one to twelve bedroom condos in them. Willow would sell the one bedroom one bathroom condos for only fifty thousand dollars or rent it out for only hundred dollars a month to up to twelve bedrooms condos with six bathrooms for only 1,200 dollars a month. I like how the buildings in Los Angeles that she built will be done in early 2020 with room for over 60,000 people or more in each building. The government even liked what she was doing so they started to help the former homeless people to get there things in order to move into their new homes since there disability checks will cover the rent and other utilities leaving at least five hundred of their checks to be saved. I also heard that there internet, phone service, and power would be free with only a fifty dollar activation fee when you first move in and when you move out to ensure that they make some money. The reason they don't have to pay for power is because all of the new buildings are powered by a independent power source along with solar energy. As I was thinking about all of this we heard a soft chime letting us know that we arrived at the elevators. Once one opened we entered causing the doors to close once we were inside. The building AI asked what floor causing us to say the Sinclair penthouse causing the elevator to rise very fast to the 980th floor which was the first floor of the twenty story Sinclair penthouse condo. When we exited the elevator my sister Kendall was in our arms giving us a large hug. Once we were done hugging we were taken up a large marble and gold stairway to the fifth floor up where we went down a long hallway until we came two a large set of fifteen foot double steel doors that opened automatically into a large eight story library. Once we were all in the library we sat down to talk well we waited for my sister Kim to arrive with Kayne who was pretty mad at what almost happened to Kendall after the Met Ball. 

Kimberly Kardashian West POV

I arrived at the Sinclair Industries with my kids and my husband Kanye to see my sister we drove to the underground garage where we came to a guard gate that had five armed guards in the booth

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I arrived at the Sinclair Industries with my kids and my husband Kanye to see my sister we drove to the underground garage where we came to a guard gate that had five armed guards in the booth. When we pulled up to the gate we were asked for our identification to enter the building causing Kanye and I to give them a copy of our drivers license to check. When they were done checking our information they scanned their hands on a biometric hand scanner causing the large metal garage door to begin opening to let us through after giving us our licenses back along with a piece of paper we need to gain our own special access cards. We were told that our licenses will work for the elevators and access points to get into the building until Willow issues our family our own security access cards. Once we drove into the parking garage the large garage door closed behind us as we slowly drove to where we were told to park so we could enter into the lobby. Once we were parked we got our kids out well locking the car making our way to the lobby where we were directed to a hidden hallway that took us to the ten elevators that would take us to the residential floors of the building. Once we scanned our cards on the scanner one of the elevators opened up letting us in closing behind us and the kids. When the elevator doors closed the building AI asked for our cards which we swiped over the screen causing the elevator to start rising very fast all the way up until about two minutes later when the building announced that we reached the 980th floor of the building. Once the elevator doors opened I saw a female with long raven black hair and brown eyes ask us to follow her to the library. I knew as soon as I saw this girl that I was standing right next to Lady Willow Isabella Sinclair owner and controller of Sinclair industries which was a multitrillion dollar a year empire. Once we were in the library I saw Kendall sitting next our sister Kylie causing me, Kanye, and our kids to run to her giving her a big hug seeing that she was okay. Once we sat down on one of the large couches to get to know my sister's girlfriend my mom told me that Kourtney, Khloe, Scott, and their kids might not arrive till tomorrow since Kourtney was picking up Khloe and her daughter True Thompson Kardashian from Cleveland, Ohio since it has not been long since Khloe gave birth. We asked Willow were we could stay for tonight until Kourtney, Khloe, Scott, and their kids arrive tomorrow morning on the jet willow let Kourtney use get Khloe to New York as fast as possible. As I sat down my mom's phone rang causing us to wonder who it was until mom told us that Kourtney was going to be here by midnight tonight.  

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