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JANUARY 10, 5000 

KENDALL: I along with my sister and wife kylie Jenner Malvuis were in the skyscraper that was the hospital building for Malvuis City about to give birth to all our kids which will give us twenty daughters and children have had in this reality using time travel causing kylie and I to have twenty fifteen year old daughters from using time travel along with us about to give birth to twenty more each between Kylie and I. I had plans to use the planetary time field after we gave birth to allow twenty years to pass again on the outside after we gave birth to ensure we could rapidly grow our worlds like we did when we first arrived to allow us twenty years to put things in motion which is why we did not have our dates and times changed until we returned to our normal time. I knew that we were also going to do this to allow our fleet and ships to grow faster since we knew their was someone who is going to try to harm everyone on earth and Mars within the next year or two which is why we are busy ensuring everything is done and in place. 

KENDALL: I was in the same room as my wife and sister Kylie when I started to feel myself starting to give birth to my children causing one of the doctors who is also one of our great many times grandchildren who helped me give birth to my recent ten daughters who I could tell are very powerful, smart, and had our dark hair and brown eyes. I gave birth pretty fast allowing me to give birth to my last ten children for at least the next thousand years in only an hour making me very tired even though I am immortal and have very strong powerful abilities. I was pretty tired from how much the birth took out of me causing me to go to sleep for awhile. I allowed myself to rest in a deep sleep well my ten newborn daughters rested themselves since they were tired themselves from having to be born. I could feel myself awakening after my long restful sleep finding myself pretty rested knowing I had to breastfeed my daughters very soon once they were ready to wake up from their naps. I saw my sister Kylie resting herself but I knew it would be a little awhile before she gave birth to her ten daughters. I looked at the time and was very surprised at the time it was since I could see I only was sleeping for about five hours. I started to feed my daughters which had taken me an hour to do making it twelve in the afternoon being the time it was when I was done feeding my new daughters.

KENDALL: I was done feeding my daughters for now so I gently put them in the large crib in the corner of the room as I watched my sister start to wake up slowly causing me to see if she was okay since she was very pregnant and ready to give birth making me see that she was very tired just by looking into her dark brown eyes. I knew that we would have to adjust our calendar and clocks after our next twenty years in the time field since we have only been out of the time field for a few days. I knew that my sister I would end up having some our daughters looking just like us meaning they could pass for our identical sisters but were not sure how many would look like me until I was pulled into a vision showing me giving birth to three daughters that would look like my sister Kylie as my sister would give birth to three that would look just like me. I knew that the daughters we had fifteen years ago in the time field did look identical to us causing me to know that these twenty would have some that looked identical to us. 

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